Showing Posts For Pointless Subtleties.6842:

A Suggestion for Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pointless Subtleties.6842

Pointless Subtleties.6842

I have not bought HoT despite all the time I spend playing GW2. Why? Because I am sPvPing 95% of the time. I don’t have much interest for the story, or the new areas that make up the lion’s share of HoT. The only thing that I would use are the new elite specs. That alone isn’t a problem, except for the fact that the new specs are the most effective metas, and competitive play is nearly impossible without them. This has transformed this game into yet another Pay to Win environment. I do not think it is fair enough of a purchase to pay 50 USD’s for 1 class and a few new specs. That’s ridiculous. So my suggestion is this; allow players to purchase the elite specs + Revenant for a set price outside of having to buy the entire expansion. A price below $20 would be more reasonable. This is something that I have heard many players asking for, and would be a welcome addition to the game’s system. Please consider, and thank you.

Nerf OP classes, or buff weak classes?

in PvP

Posted by: Pointless Subtleties.6842

Pointless Subtleties.6842

It doesn’t take long when playing something such as thief or warrior to realize that you are simply ineffective, and a drag for your team. While coordination could make them not as much as a drag, simply playing a meta with the same coordination would still be much more effective. Thus, we have the question. Buff the weak, or nerf the strong? The simplest answer seems to buff the weak, as there are technically a fewer number of sub par classes than there are average classes or OP classes. But, if we did buff them, they may end up being the next Dragon Hunter, opening a new can of worms. If we took the time to nerf the stronger classes, the numbers would become smaller and easier to manage in the long run leading to a higher quality of play. However, since Anet doesn’t usually balance their gameplay in any timely manner, especially in the middle of any leagues, this method would take much much more time. So, any thoughts or preferences?