Car Crash [CC]
Showing Posts For Posi.4251:
In the name of Majestic Capricorn please allow me to apologize for what happened on saturday. It was not our intention to cause any damage or inconvenience.
In retrospect, I believe the situation resulted from the circumstances, where people leave a team in the last second. It was impossible to find replacements in such limited time. While this is by no means an excuse for what happened, we should look forward to future tournaments and the finals of the current World Tournament Series, as we see more and more people motivated to compete (sometimes even too motivated).
Again we want to apologize, especially to Team Salt and the community, who probably won´t get their fair match against Orng.
Congratulations to the qualified teams, the WTS has never been as intense and I´m sure this final will become the best we have seen so far.Sincerely,
That honors you zapdos. But your ambition went too far :/, anyways apologizing honors you
Car Crash [CC]
I don’t think you guys know the meaning of an “all-star” tournament
basically it means that there are known players from different teams playing with each other…apparently guys like fake and others didn’t deserve to play because team mist got pushed by blu etc and now we have the full roaster play at lan..
but tbh i didn’t expect much from this
I am totally agree with Sensotix, no hate to Team Mist, i like all of them, but Sensotix is so right .
@Grouch no hate, but change the name to Team Mist vs Allstars of NA and China Kappa
Edit: change name to Team Mist vs NA/EU mix guys vs China allstars PLX
Car Crash [CC]
Im complety agree with you Olli. Great ideas.
Car Crash [CC]
Im agree with you SunnyLane at some points. But if Team Paradigm won this was because they deserved it. It is true that they give TP more time than us to play finals. but honestly they deserve it. They were dominating on EU since start of game, and they played better, so they deserve this.
Good luck to them @ Seattle representing EU.
Thanks for play at 100% and give people most amazing games ever.
Good luck to Paradigm from all Car Crash members.
Car Crash [CC]
@Adam , we didnt agree to play bo5. They just said this is bo5, without any chance to reply.
@Xeph you had enough time to warm up, because i saw u all on 1 hour before finals playing on nifhel.
Car Crash [CC]
Regional tourneys : Bo3. That were Anet RULES.
Car Crash [CC]
we got FORCED , no one asked us if we agreed to play bo5.
Car Crash [CC]
Invitational Tournament
Single match elimination
Teams of five players competing in five vs. five matches
All of this means: INVITATIONAL = ON SEATTLE.
Bo5 on seattle
Car Crash [CC]
So they decided to change it without asking OUR team. Okay !
GL on this game, call me back when we can fair play. Cya.
Car Crash [CC]
According this. ALL MATCHES ARE BO3. Why bo5 ?? I dont understand it. And then people lies like, both teams were AGREE, thats complety a lie.
Car Crash [CC]
Yes, they said. THEY FORCED. Now they are saying that both teams were AGREE , just TP were agree with that, WE OBVIOUSLY were not agree after playing during 5 hours !
Car Crash [CC]
As you can see “Top” players prefer going league of legends(Riot) than stay in “diZZ” PvP (Anet).
Drama baby , drama.
Car Crash [CC]
-Anet should learn from Riotgames in PvP.
-Anet killed PvP in Guild Wars 1, they are going to do same thing in Guild Wars 2.
Seems like Anet company only care about PvE, seems like PvE gives more money than good PvP, ask riot about that.
Car Crash [CC]
+1 Teldo
+1 Helseth
I think most of “top” players are agree with teldo and helseth.
Car Crash [CC]
Posi , playing for onibawan. (EU) (Necro) sorry for being late updating, i dont usually see this forum so often.
Car Crash [CC]
(edited by Posi.4251)
+1 Posi / SN.
Like lowell i dont want to support naito but i must to because he has reason.
Car Crash [CC]