Well I’ve been redirected after sending this post to the Ask A Question support guys to the Suggestion thread again where I read you could send them suggestions/feedback. So oh well I will post all my suggestions/feedback here.
So before I go suggesting ideas for the loot system I was wondering how exactly does it work now?
Basically does the loot just randomly pick a number and whatever item has the corresponding number gets dropped? Are certain creatures only able to drop a set list of items? I would be very happy to hear creatures that obviously can’t carry/wild a weapon or armor can’t drop those items as it just makes sense. Although some people might argue it isn’t very fun though.
Now a suggestion related to this is to have animals/creatures that can’t wield/wear an item not able to drop it but also that if the creature/animal has it that it drops it so like claws from a moa, and new items could be made like wurm scales from the ice wurm hatchlings, feathers from the moas. Leather from minotaurs, leather from deers, multiple sets of bone armor that can be made from bones from different animals/creatures so a set for minotaur bones and troll bones and deer bones and warg bones etc. And harpy stylized weapons that are decorated in feathers.
I also think more loot should drop so basically every creature is almost guaranteed to drop an item huge chance of dropping junk higher chance of basic items higher chance of fine items etc. But built around that if it can’t wield/carry/wear or just wouldn’t it can’y drop it as loot. Also for less items to be soulbound on use as I think it is hugely slowing down trade over the trading post.
Now another suggestion relating to items is for the Guild Wars 2 developers to release an official kit that is the tools they used for 3D modeling for things such as the weapons and armor.
Now to give purpose to this kit, my idea is to have a system somewhat like Steam’s Greenlight where the community votes on the armor skin or weapon skin and each week or month a couple or just one gets added to the game. Now ArenaNet could just choose which ones to add and what rarity the item is and the name though if that is easier.
The reason I suggest this is because people want more skins and from what I understand ArenaNet has there hands pretty full with other things so why not open it up to the creative people that play and enjoy your game who I’m sure there are people who would love to design weapons for the game without any compensation as long as they have the chance to see there item in game.
Now another piece of feedback is the addition of more lore explaining how each faction survived with there highly different weapon technology. As currently I haven’t been able to find an explanation or create one that explains how it would work together and how one race such as the humans haven’t already been overwhelmed. I personally think mixing steampunk , fantasy, and advanced magical technology together was a good idea but I think it would be fine if there was enough lore to explain it all. I would also love for some lore explaining where the humans came from if they weren’t originally on Tyria and the response the other races have had to that information.
One last request is the addition of more combat abilities to swap in and out like the utility skills. Now I am not saying get a huge hotkey-bar no, no I like the limited amount more but I think the combat needs to be kept fresh through the addition of new combat abilities even if you add 1 per month to all classes for a single weapon, and slowly build up so there is 2 choices for each of the 5 combat abilities. I think it would add so much to the combat.
Now saying all of the above I do really love the game you have made it looks amazing,
I wouldn’t be suggesting things if I didn’t want to continue playing this game. The dragons are a big favorite of mine so big and powerful and so cinematic while still feeling like your playing a game. And there is just so much to do I’ve completed 25% and gotten to level 80 ( only because I power leveled in WvW). And am being a silly perfectionist who is playing the flipping game so I can get Human Cultural Tier 3 and maybe a legendary before I go off to 100% the map which I can’t imagine being able to complete.
Anyway that is enough of me rambling thanks for the great game and hopefully you can respond to some of my ideas and a conversation can be had about them which would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again, Powermaniac