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in Match-ups

Posted by: Prophaniti.1496


You guys are cute.

Look at all that skill!!!

7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Prophaniti.1496


When did I show contempt for CD? I said I haven’t seen much open-field combat from you guys and it’s true. You’ve spread out to cover more ground (“keeping your eye on the ball”).
I’m far from dissing your skill, but actually hoping for a good chance to try it out (every time I’ve been in a big clash this weekend, it was with SBI). Almost every time I’ve seen CD since Friday have been either chasing them off a tower, or trying to take a tower. I’d rather fight you guys hand to hand over using ACs.

As for the thing with Jakob, I thought he was referencing a small skirmish at our north camp yesterday. He either remembers it totally differently or there was another time he found siege at one of our camps and felt robbed of more easy pickings.

If it is a different incident then I apologize, because the fight I was referencing saw the FEAR/TKVM retreat despite having numerical superiority. All three parties discussed were there and it was the only time we sieged up a camp on Sunday.

If the are referring to the skirmish I think you are then your estimation of our purpose is off. We didn’t go to north camp to capture it outright (although if it was completely undefended we would have) it was to fight a holding action to divert your forces from reinforcing Bay which was currently under attack by our commander. At the time it was the only supply camp under your control and it’s also the easiest camp to resupply at before reinforcing a keep. You can say that we had you outnumbered, but I can tell you that by the time we left there was about 20 in that camp helping to defend it. At the end of the day we succeeded in our intended purpose and ended up eventually making your entire borderland blue. Hell we even managed to ninja a tower or two.

Believe it or not we do pay attention to the map and what our commanders are doing.

7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Prophaniti.1496


SoS, please don’t ruin this week by simply placing a kitten ton of siege in camps and hide behind it when 3 CD roll up against 5+ SoS and upgraded guards in the camp. Come out and fight!

The primary culprits are [Fang] and [Bane]. Grow some balls!

This from the guy who takes 10+ people, all load up into complete glass cannon/escape builds, and goes into empty borderlands and picks off stragglers. Then you come onto the forums and brag about your 6vs2 victories.

I noticed you guys were conspicuously absent during the matchup with TC, I guess not enough people not traveling in groups for your tastes.

Half of your team was thieves but you couldn’t take out one AC and Ballista when facing a group you outnumbered?

The worst part is that you felt the need to complain about it on here, because we moved out and you capped the camp uncontested not even 3 minutes later. You must have been one of the people we ran down like a dog when you guys ran from the camp.

The WORST part, is that you guys had gone up in my estimation before your QQ session here. I was thinking "not a bad strategy, tying up camps and supply while their main group went elsewhere.
It wasn’t strategy though, you just wanted some great 10vs3 fights to come here and brag about.



(edited by Prophaniti.1496)

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Prophaniti.1496


This is basically what happens 99% of the time when the zergers aren’t with their 40 other friends and the fight is even. There were a total of 5 inside and 4 of us outside.

Best part about it are the emotes.

Hats off to all TC/SoS guys who DON’T do this and give us good fights!

Funny, I saw your little group myself. You were eager to fight the 3 of us up there while you had 6 down there. Rather than letting anyone close enough to actually make it an even fight, you and your fellows would just bum rush them.

Is that your opinion of a good fight?

Read my post. It wasn’t just 3 up there. You had OS and AARM guildies in there as well. And we didn’t have 6.

You also have the safety of the tower. Just jump down an have fun. It’s just a game!

I read your post, look at your own picture and tell me there are 5 people up there. You can’t because there weren’t.

You must be the [CERN] TC Scout making a fool of yourself and your guild up there.

6/14 CD / TC / SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Prophaniti.1496


@ Zaulhghev
You’re the last person that should be talking about a public meltdown after your “message” to the server about how we all suck. I can tell you I don’t need PVT gear as a Mesmer to be effective in the zerg and I’m sure the commanders that I have run with will tell you that. Honestly it’s not hard to just pay attention and not stand in red circles etc. If anything I would say you and the server as a whole can learn from the way [Fear] and [TVKA] run their group, and vice versa we could also learn from the commanders on the server.

Last time I checked we are still in the borderlands every night running our group, so if anything you should be happy that not all of CD has “given up”. Also SPVP is fundamentally different from WvW, the dynamics of those matches don’t have the same type of drastic changes as WvW does. We may start a fight against 5 people and after a few seconds they could get reinforcements which will change our use of tactics. In short we enjoy the situational fluidity of the fights in WvW.

@ CD
Play your chosen class how you want, there’s no point in playing if you’re not having fun. If you want to learn about large scale fights run with Necro, his people are smart and willing to teach. If you want to learn more small scale go ahead and pm me in game id be more than willing to answer any questions you may have.