(edited by Psyctooth.8520)
Showing Posts For Psyctooth.8520:
I am also a returning player, who pretty much left after finishing the personal story for the original release of the game. I quit mainly because I felt deflated by the drama which went down in the guild I was in. I came across a bunch of videos I made from back then and realised that all these years, the one game I really did enjoy playing was GW2. So, I decided to return. I have no idea what is install for me in this expansion, other than you get gliders, I remember using a glider in ArcheAge, but honestly that game never really held any major appeal to me. I honestly miss the artstyle and combat animations of GW2, it really clicked with me.
My biggest regret is being gone for the past nearly 4 years now. Well since 2 months after launch really…
Guess I got a lot to catch up on.
I found your advice to also be very useful, thankyou.
Cape/Banner/Cloth Clipping and YOU! Lets brainstorm ideas about how to solve an issue which has plagued video games for years.
Posted by: Psyctooth.8520
Normally I would not post topics on forums, not for a long time. But I felt since this is a mature and good community I should talk about something I have always held close to my heart, shouting out in the name of all those who have suffered for years, that of the cape, the shall, the banner and everything which waves in the air and how it clips into other objects.
One might ask, what is clipping? Well clipping is where artifacts of the artificial virtual world become visible thus blatantly destroying the magic of the world that is the video game environment. It’s where polygons which are flat invisible partitions in the void connected by vertices covered in textures move into one another and you can see other objects poking though them or they in turn going though other objects which in reality would not happen unless they somehow had the power to go though things like Kitty Pryde, which I am pretty sure a flapping flag or a rag on your back doesn’t have this power… I think…
Not only is it ugly but it in turn as said before suddenly brakes the immersion and the illusion of the adventure. I feel it does more damage than most other bugs in games… even bleeding.
Hence why I presume the developers of Guild Wars 2 were reluctant to put in capes to begin with. But with that said I wonder, how can game developers go about building animated floppy things which go onto another animated object, be it a moving stick being waved about or a player character or monster running about doing all sorts of animations and then independently animate on it’s own without requiring said object to be made of so many polygons it brakes your graphics card trying to render it in real time?
I am sure many have asked it, many have discussed it and many have talked about it. But I say talk is for those who cannot get things done, I say action, questions and brainstorming is how things get done. Have an idea, say it, have a thought? Speak it, have an inspiration pursue it!
Just a little topic to get a creative and constructive conversation going on the issue of making animated banners, flags and capes etc look cool without the ugly clipping.
(edited by Psyctooth.8520)