Showing Posts For Pugchug.8905:

Ranger versus Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


“Um, I don’t know. I’ve made good work with LB/GS pew pew in WvW. Just have to watch those reflects.” crapgame

A well positioned Lb ranger can get the jump on a lot of people and kill them. A well positioned lb ranger with a staff can continually be in the best position over and over again. GS is very good vs a certain level of player and below. I find above that level landing the bread and butter with gs is nearly impossible. If you run glass enough to kill with lb and get into melee with gs and they avoid cc you are left swinging at nothing. Sure you might get lucky every now and then but it’s just to slow and predictable. That said it’s still fun to maul people! Play what you you enjoy. Hooray for pretendy fun games! Pew pew!

Ranger versus Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


From playing ranger quite a bit in wvw. I find it can not compete with a Druid using a staff. At this time in wvw if you do not have a staff you will be run down or kited to death by the new classes and some of the old. You just can not do better for mobility then staff right now. Greatsword is ok if you don’t have druid just make sure you use quickdraw for double swoop. But even then a druid will run you down anyway. On a condi build staff is your positioning tool. On a power build it is your positioning tool and your unreflectable pew pew stick.

Any decent trapper build for WvW roaming?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


Condi ranger must use staff or be kited to death by almost everyone. Trapper runes are not for escaping they are for juking. Staff is for kiting and escaping or if you are like me for QuickDraw wisp super trap surprises. Dire is best for stats works just as well in exotics as ascended. Don’t skimp on utility and food.

Dueling, really?

in WvW

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


Just kill everything. Don’t fall for duelers made up rules and made up “honor” they will jump on you in a heartbeat anyway. It’s a free for all and that is the fun part! Kill it all! If people are dumb enough to fight in range of siege use it! Cannon those 1v1 all day! If they can’t dodge big red circles with a full second warning maybe they shouldn’t stand there.

Just laugh at people that call you coward for using a huge tactical advantage against the egotistical and the slow! It is a video game after all. Not smart enough to avoid siege, then die by it. And don’t forget to send them some salt when they cry about it.

Those saying Duelers never stomp, I laugh at that. Let’s state that correctly. Duelers probably won’t stomp their friends. If you don’t know them good luck with that. Don’t play by other peoples rules designed to give them every advantage. Just kill them and get the bags!

(edited by Pugchug.8905)

Longbow Damage bug?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


well since we get no stats from trait lines. 7% healing into power yields nothing on a zerk build. Test it out turn if off and no. 0 extra power

yet on warrior in the defense tree Armored attack 10% toughness turned into power. This gives you extra power even when you are fully zerk.

Can't Play WvW Anymore, Can't Be The Only One

in WvW

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


They could do a sale where you get 2 transfers for the price of one. That way you could always move back or make a more educated decision based on the tier.

Special Reward on 1vs1 on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


I think if they did a stream of a 1v1 tourny with judges sure. Not in open world for reasons already stated.

Scorpion wire + Basilisk Venom

in Thief

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


petrification roots you in place so I guess it is working as intended.

Rapid Fire

in Ranger

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


stealth not working for you? use a different crutch next time. As a thief you have many to choose from.

TrickShot - Rifle/gs v.2 - WvW Roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


I like when people complain about no sustain. What they are asking for in a build is the ability to make a bunch of mistakes and have the build compensate for it. Pure glass builds don’t have this. Dodge or die. More Pew pew!!!!!!

Ranger Appreciation Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


Watching a thief troll noobs and waiting for the very right moment to sic em. Then I sit back and watch the thief get owned by people randomly pressing buttons. Always good for a laugh.

Ranger range 1500 need risk, Sugg: 1300 range

in Ranger

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


Stop mistaking bad players for ranger being op. If someone lets you kill them at 1500 with auto attack they should not figure into this at all. If you are killing great players that are reacting and countering you at 1500 with auto attack that is something else. You won’t ever kill a good player at 1500 with ranger auto attack unless some other factor is forcing them to eat that damage.

This post rings of someone that is being killed by rangers at 1500 and is posing as a ranger to ask for a nerf to their own class.

Here is a suggestion line of sight, dodge, reflect, block, leap away, run away, stop standing by walls with rangers on them. Look around and be aware of your surroundings. If you continue to die to rangers at 1500 get some teammates to help you. If you keep dying to rangers after all that just stand on walls with your own ranger and don’t get pulled off. Stop standing out in the open when rangers are around.

(edited by Pugchug.8905)

hunter's call not damaging structures

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pugchug.8905


It has been like that since before the patch.