Showing Posts For Pumpernickel.6132:

When did you connect with your character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pumpernickel.6132


Not really a “what should I play topic”; but rather a general inquiry. When did you connect and in know your character was right for you? I have tried every class as a mesmer… for some reason I really want to like mesmer but can only seem to make it to level 12 before giving up due to lack of connection. When did you know your character was right for you?

What race to choose? (Human or Sylvari)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pumpernickel.6132


So unlike a lot of new people I already know the class I want to play but cannot choose my race for the life of me.

I rolled a Charr Mesmer to start I must say he looks pretty awesome. But then I got my hands on a great sword… That does not look awesome… I also see a ton of light armor does not look good on them. Maybe all that could be over looked, but then I tried to do jumping puzzles. Let’s stop there. I already have a low level norn necromancer so I am covered there.

Between human and sylvari which ones do you like?

Gamepad softwear/profiles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pumpernickel.6132


Lots of people do it and have had great results with it. I am not asking if I should or shouldn’t. I am asking in people experience which program is better/user friendly.

Gamepad softwear/profiles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pumpernickel.6132


I took a long break from computer games/mmos (which I used to play exclusively) but decided to get back into this game. I have been playing on consoles more than anything and have been been fumbling around with the keyboard and not getting the results I am looking for (miss clicking skills, fingers not doing what they are supposed to, ect). The only thing I would miss would be the ground targeting of the mouse.

Doing some research and have noticed some great people have taken the liberty of creating profiles and what not to use a Xbox 360 controller while playing this game. The two most popular ones I have found are Xpadder and Pinnacle.

Has anyone used either or both of these? And which do you prefer?

What did you do when/if your name was taken?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pumpernickel.6132


I just picked up this game and had an hour to play last night so I logged on made a character and got stuck at the name screen! I realize all names are unique across the game and I am pretty late to the party but all the names I tried where taken. I guess I am not a unique snowflake when it comes to names. Names are fairly important to me so I dot want to just slap together some silly words or be “Guy With Sword” tuning around.

What did you do when you saw your name was already in use? I also cannot some up with a rad surname that flows.

EDIT: I ended up not playing last night as I ony had an hour and failed to come up with a name.

28 year old looking for a guild of friends

in Guilds

Posted by: Pumpernickel.6132


Hello. I am a 28 year old (now casual) player. I played WoW for seven+ years and used to be hardcore but because of real life responsibilities I am only able to play casually (a couple hours at night).

I left WoW several months ago and had an itch to play another mmo. I did not want to go back there so I have decided to give GW2 a try. One thing I know about MMOs is that it is most enjoyable to play with friends (friend keep you logging on day after day).

So I am looking for a guild/server to call home. I am mostly interested in PvE and some WvW. Keep in mind I am brand new so don’t really know the rope of the game yet but I would like people to do dungeons, dungeons story modes and fractals (sp?). I don’t care how big the guild is but I would rather a small guild where everyone is friendly and open than a large guild where everyone is a stranger.
