I came here to see what people thought of the april fools day joke. All the tears, my goodness. I thought it was hilarious. I went to EoTM turned off the sepia filter so I could tell which ones the baddies were. Then ran around playing airplane, eeeraaaaaaaaaaaam. My only beef was that I couldnt hear the airplane noise others were making so when I was running around with the warparty it would sound like a squadron of fighter planes.
Seriously folks, this doesnt prevent you from doing anything in the game, combat still works, gathering still works etc:
The game hindering aspects can be turned off (sepia filter)
If running around with your arms out making airplane noises bothers you that much just don’t play for a day. It’ll be gone later today.
Next year I think a good prank would be if all the PCs ran around as little crying babies.