Showing Highly Rated Posts By Pyrophobia.6592:
Hats. Lot and lots of hats. Charr hats, sylvari hats, asura hats, norn hats, human hats, skritt hats, golem hats, inquest hats, mordrem hats, hyleck hats, etc. just a lot of hats.
Some general thoughts. will expand later
-Kneeling. This skill needs to cancel after you dodge.
- the stealth on Sniper cover should be permanent until revealed, canceled, or attacked. This will DE more escape options, and the fact that we are locked in place should be enough to balance it out.
-Kneeling should not have a cast time. This makes the skill feel slow and ruins the flow.
-increase the distance and damage of rifle attacks while kneeling
-Have deadeye mark half your malice count instead of dropping it completely when you recast/ kill a target.