Showing Posts For Quasi.8096:

Dec 27th: ET Vs. SF Vs. Dh

in Match-ups

Posted by: Quasi.8096


BS vs ANBU [15v15] Ele POV
Please ignore the Charr guardian that was embarrassingly dead the entirety of round 2.

/hides in shame

It’s ok, I played pretty bad too, wasn’t even using my earth 3 blinds, missed a few aoe’s and kept atking high toughness targets

Belle go back and look at the video, the ele (PoV) gets it (stuck) in the first fight…Looks like Lightning Flash may have caused it, or he/she tried to Flash to get out of it unsuccessfully and dies locked in place shortly thereafter.

Yeh I usually get that stuck state when I use flash while I’m stunned and immobilize, it’s like it perm keeps the immobilize, and I almost did a clean get away there too >:

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace


in Match-ups

Posted by: Quasi.8096


To [BS]:

Don’t get all [PAXA] on us… Some people like to play Trebuchet Wars Arrowcart Wars Golem Rush Race with siege to take keeps. Also, unless there is a real focused PvP group (like yourself), it’s almost obvious that you guys will win… It’s the same as wiping the big PUG zergs with a big stack and pop mights/stability groups WvW focused guild.

I laughed when I saw the “stack and pop mights/stability groups” cause BS is very unorganized, we’re not like other groups that ball up, atk, back off, stack fields, repeat. We just run in and atk who we want, and call out low targets.

As for an early post about going SPvP or TPvP, I just can’t do it, I don’t like the 3 point capture game mode, now if it was like a team death match, or just 1 point that moved spots every few mins, then I would probably consider it over wvw, since wvw is usually get zerged, zerg a player or find no action. In cases there’s no action we flip camps/towers hoping it’ll draw attention.

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

8/30 GoM/ET/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Wew GoM again, missed you guys

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

Elementalist Reflect Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Using Magnetic Wave ( Earth Focus skill 4 ) against a Mesm using auto atk 1 with scepter, when he gets to the 3rd atk which summons a clone, it will summon a clone for the elementalist that had magnetic wave on instead, and that clone will atk the mesmer. I didn’t get to take a pic of this since i was dueling my friend 1v1 and didn’t have time to stop to screenshot, I’ll try to recreate this later and get a screeny.
Not sure if you can produce these results with other classes that have a reflect projectile skill.
Also Sigil of Renewal doesn’t work on attunement swap, I already know this has been posted here a few times but it’s something I’d like an answer for whether it’s not suppose to work for elem or if it’s a bug.

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: Quasi.8096


To my guildies on Basic[BS], my pc completely died now lol, almost got it working again, but once I do, you guy’s better be ready to go roaming!
Still gonna use same pc, so I might still have the crashes hahaha, too cheap to buy a new pc

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/19 GoM/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


I’m pretty sure Basic’s entire line up is the mesmer, the asura guardian, the asura thief, that other thief. Then again I can’t remember what I had for lunch.

I think our lineup consists of like 1 of each class minus a Ranger lol, also depends on the time, sometimes we’ll run 2 elem, 2 gaurds, 2 necros then 1 of the rest minus ranger.

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/19 GoM/FC/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Thought I would do a score update in my view of the celebs

ET Phone home!
Reason I picked to transfer to ET over FC.

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/12/13 - ET/GoM/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Lil late, but great duels last night.
Most of my duels lasted very long 5-10mins, lost to a few engineers this time around, kept having my play style mixed, battled thinking they were bunker when they were cd, so i didnt have much cd removals on, except for one engi which we lasted like 15mins but he got me in the end cause I got him to 20% hp and I got carried away to get that last hit and killed myself in confusion xD and I ended up missing my GvG cause I was still fighting lol

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/12/13 - ET/GoM/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


was bored, made video,,yada yada yada…

I almost had you! :P
I was just minding my own business killing FC then I just see that Omega pop out next to me hahaha

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


@ Lightsbane, So you are the ET’s that stole our [BS] guild tag. hahaha we where harrased for a few days asking if we had transffered when the BS came up in WvW.

Nice tag BTW XD

Lol nah we were GoM but transfered to ET cause GoM got boring and turned into Zerg Wars when that last update came out, and we want’d to play as underdogs.
We’ve also been been running BS tag for like 6-7months :P

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Here’s a video from GoM BL last night, started recording like half way through the battles, missed the bigger fights with FC, they gave up/left around the time I started recording.
Note I fight till I die, so unlike other vid’s you’ll see a lot of me dying cause I prefer uncut then videos with their death cut out

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

4/5/13 FC/GoM/ET

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Lol I just transfered from GoM to ET like 2 weeks ago, gotta fight a few of my friends now lol.
This will be interesting

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Just took HoD’s Hills from Nsp with a 5 man team, then pushed out like 15 HoD with a golem trying to take it back lol


Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

2/22 DH vs GoM vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Thanks DH for the good bye present!
[BS]Elem from GoM


Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace

12/28 GoM/SF/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Quasi.8096


Oh, don’t even get me started on the dingbats on our server who have been building rams on the walls. A little part of me dies inside every time I see this. Such a waste of perfectly good plans and supply.

Lol yeah I saw some of those rams, made me laugh, saw someone place 3 rams for the walls on sm, I’ve also seen people build rams at camps.

Also Sf hit us hard last night in EB, I was getting a bit worried.

Exinyo – Elementalist
Basic[BS] – Eredon Terrace