Showing Posts For Quorthun.9251:

Dungeon Finder

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quorthun.9251


I understand that the devs have future plans on implementing an LFG system, however the point is we want them to put it above of whatever it is that is on the top of their priority list simply by crying litttle babies that ask for ice cream 500 times. Eventually the baby will triumph over the parents and get the ice cream. Repeating threads like these is not beating a dead horse, it’s simply crying out like a little baby in a mature manner. Arenanet is a business, and they do listen to their fanbase, however, they will listen to the fanbase that cries out the most. And those who do cry out the most, obviously will be the ones who stand the most wether they are annoying or not annoying. I would very much prefer for 50 of these topics to pop up every day on the suggestions forum (by different players of course)

Dungeon Finder

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quorthun.9251


I appreciate your concerns about hving the same thing posted 40 some odd times, however I will add onto the 40 times to make it 41 to hopefully help increase the level of awareness that arenanet should be taking this issue. Even if it does not help, it still relieves me knowing that I helped assist in suggesting a dungeon finder to be put into Guild Wars 2.

(edited by Moderator)

Dungeon Finder

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quorthun.9251


I understand there are a lot of topics about this case, but I believe it is my duty as well to post another topic about the subject myself.. I only have about an hour a day to play the game and I haven’t been able to try out any of the dungeons yet. I would rather there be an instant press button to where i can jump into the dungeon instantly rather then have to spam for a group in Lions Arch for an hour. A dungeon finder would be god like, especially for us that cannot commit to that much time in the game. As I recall, the main purpose of this game was to lure more casual MMO players into it. I simply just do not have the time to keep playing MMO’s the way I used to anymore and would like an instant enter dungeon button.