Showing Posts For Qwyjibo.4208:

"The Battle of Claw Island" is impossible

in Personal Story

Posted by: Qwyjibo.4208


I’m finding it impossible too but for different reasons.

The part where you have to help the Lionguard hold off the invaders in the “green circle” seemingly goes on forever and usually ends with the game crashing to desktop and me having to start the whole thing over again. This has happened about 4 times now and it’s really frustrating.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qwyjibo.4208


My situation has been resolved! After being banned due to “botting” when I clearly wasn’t. It took about 5 days in total and I had to re-buy the game (new serial code) from the site.

Here is what happened to me:

- I log in after not playing for a few days and see the message that many of us saw. “Account had been terminated” etc.

- I also noticed that my credit card had been refunded by NCSOFT for what seemed like the game fee.

- I sent in a ticket using the support on Sunday (I think). Got my first answer back on Tuesday.

- I was given a new password for my account and told that it should be fine. I try to log-in and got the same “Your trial period has ended” message that others posted about on here. I updated my existing ticket and got a quick response that this was being elevated elsewhere. The next response I got was another new password. This didn’t solve my problem at all. I figured since I was refunded the fee, I might as well just buy the game again. Got a new serial code, updated my profile and it seems to work now. But we’ll see. My original serial code was bought from the GW2 site too and something went wrong.


For anyone complaining on here, go on the support tool and the support staff actually does a solid job getting back to you. You just need to have reasonable expectations since it’s clear a lot of us are having these problems. On Tuesday I was basically going back and forth with them simply updating the existing ticket and getting a response every 1-2 hours. I appreciate the effort they put in with my ticket even though the last question wasn’t really answered properly.

I am disappointed that this ever happened in the first place and I don’t have much faith in whatever automated “security system” this game has in place. I assume some people were bots but to get this many legit players banned is unacceptable. I have no reason to believe that the same thing won’t just happen again down the road.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qwyjibo.4208


Did anyone else get a refund onto their CC after getting “banned”??

I checked my online statements and I saw a CHARGE.NCSOFT.COM credit back to me for what looks like the game fee on Nov. 8 (I bought the game in September) which seems like the time my account was deactivated.

When (if?!?!) my account gets reactivated after all this stupidity, are they just going to charge my card again?

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qwyjibo.4208


So what happens when you get your account restored in terms of the fees on your CC?

Do they just take back what was returned when the account was terminated?

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qwyjibo.4208


I would like to look into the few cases where you, personally purchased the game from and then experienced an account closure.

I don’t want to hear from those who bought from a third party who claims to have purchased from our site. I don’t need to hear from people who did a charge-back or asked for a refund. I would very much like to hear from someone who bought the game from using a legitimate credit card and then found his/her account terminated.

  • Please indicate the date you purchased the game.
  • Please confirm that you personally purchased from the site (not through a partner, not through a third-party).
  • Please check your credit card statement and verify if you were or were not charged for the game.
  • Please note if the charge on you CC statement is a completed charge, or is “pending.”
  • Please post your Incident / Ticket Number here.

Thank you for your help with this.

Please note that this thread is not intended to expedite your ticket. Please do not post here simply as a means to try to get to the front of the queue. Post if you want to share the above information, and if your situation exactly mirrors what I’m investigating, but beyond that we’re not using this thread to expedite or follow up on tickets.

If you have waited three days or longer for a response, please post in the Tickets for Review – 3 Days and Older thread.

- Date bought: Sept. 13, 2012
- Yes, I personally bought it from
- Yes, my CC was charged on Sept. 14, 2012. Shows as " CHARGE.NCSOFT.COM"
- [Incident: 121111-001905] (just submitted today)

I see my CC was just credited back the amount, I assume because of the closure.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qwyjibo.4208


If tomorrow I will still have my account banned, I will use that address. Thanks for sharing!

Same here.

Obviously someone/something screwed up and this is a mistake but it makes no sense and doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in the running of this game.

Again, I am brand new to MMOs with GW2 so I’m not sure if this happens in other games, is common and I just need to wait for a resolution or what. It’s very questionable though.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Qwyjibo.4208


Looks like this just happened to me.

I haven’t played in the last few days and now I log-in for a session and see that my account has been terminated. GW2 is the first MMO I’ve ever played and I don’t even know what a macro is?!?! I don’t see how anything I’ve done would be a violation as I’ve been simply “playing the game”. The last things I remember doing was some character story missions.

I assume this was a total mistake but, as a brand new player, it definitely doesn’t instill any confidence in this system.

OMG If you only knew this - tips for new players

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Qwyjibo.4208


This is an awesome thread.

GW2 is my first MMO so I’m still learning the basics (terms, acronyms, gameplay) so this helps a lot.