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Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


In addition to Spirit Shard gating, locked raid mastery also prevents other raid wings training and exploration. For example, raid wing 3 requires Thicket Water mastery, which prohibits game play for new raiders. Rift Traveler is also really helpful in VG training, where new raider parties frequently fail and have to restart. There’s no need to gate Rift Traveler ability behind defeating a raid boss.

What benefit would a player gain from having early access to rift traveler if they have yet to beat a raid boss? It’s not like they’d be able to use the vendor.

You can restart the fight faster. Isn’t that good? Is it why there’s /surrender command in raid?

I added more to my post. The time saved is minimal.

Even it’s minimal, Anet still cares about it by adding /surrender or /gg command. Raid takes a significant time and effort. Every second counts!

And I don’t think we should rely on other players’ Thicket Waters mastery. How would you find that perfect composition for new raiders whom most elite raiders don’t really care about? Honestly, I’ve been searching for LFR for at least two weeks and never found any party offering that option. Could it be simpler if new raiders already have Waters mastery and are ready to join?

What you said is impractical. Have you ever noticed current LFR? They requires serious experiences, gears and tons of Legendary Insights (or kicked!). So, please be realistic.

There’s a difference to 10 seconds saved by gliding over to the starting spot (assuming you have gliding progressed enough) to having to force a wipe by dying because you have dead team members.

You literally only need at most 3 players with the mastery to do the escort. Once you progress past the cave, it is no longer needed. You can even have a Mesmer run through it and port people up.

Also be aware that you have the ability to create your only LFG ad rather than solely relying on an existing one. Want to group with other players regardless as to their level of experience? Create your own LFG. It’s not that difficult and players had this ability well before HoT when they were then complaining about the requirements some players held for dungeons.


  • What’s the point of gating raid mastery behind defeating a raid bossM
  • What’s the benefit of it?
  • How gating improve players or gameplay experience?
  • What’s the negative effect of allowing raid mastery unlocked by default?

It’s something you earn by beating a boss and the use of the masteries are solely within raids. It encourages players to play the raid even if it’s just one boss. That also happens to be one of the reasons why there are gates as it encourages players to experience content. It’s why HoT masteries require XP earned on HoT maps. Gating content like what they have done, promotes players to experience the content rather than simply rush through the story.

I know the general idea of Mastery. But you didn’t answer my questions.
Please answer each question above, plus the following:

  • Why Fractal Mastery isn’t gated by defeating a fractal boss?

I did answer your questions. It just wasn’t in bullets.

Fractal masteries enhance your ability to progress through the tiers. While you could forego them entirely, it would then cost you quite a bit of gold. The mechanics you use in the lower tiers is really not all that different than what you use in the higher tiers. With very few exceptions (e.g. Cliff side), there’s very little difference. The masteries are not a requirement. This is something you really should be asking Anet.

Unlock raid mastery to learn experience is non-sense !
- The main goal of mastery is an alternative character progression. We fill experience bar to learn new abilites, which will grant new exploration experience. This is the general concept of mastery. Without a mastery, you will struggle at a certain situation, but you don’t have to win that situation to unlock mastery line in order to progress or learn it. For example, we can’t enter poison hazes without Itzel Poison Lore mastery, but nothing prevents us from learning the mastery (but have to be in sequence anyway). In contrast, we can’t enter Tunnel of Respite without Forsaken Thicket Mastery, and locked raid mastery line prevents us from learning the mastery. It’s like a vicious cycle. This is an inconsistent progression and needs to be fixed.

Just one raid boss …. seriously ?
- Not everyone has plenty of time for raid.

The use of fractal masteries are solely within fractals and so do raid masteries.
- Your arguments are against themselves. (= an obvious indication of weak argument.)

Rewarding is a way to encourage players, while mastery line gating is punishment !
- It’s absurd to use mastery line gating to encourage players. The most efficient way is rewarding. Defeating raid bosses already give you mastery points; there’s no need to gate mastery as a reward.

Everyone deserves rewards !
- The main point here is that everyone should be able to progress all their mastery lines. Nothing should prevent unlocking mastery progression. At the end, we can make use of experiences we acquired in the game with our time and effort, not just wasting them from an absurd gating mechanic.

cc: Anet

Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


In addition to Spirit Shard gating, locked raid mastery also prevents other raid wings training and exploration. For example, raid wing 3 requires Thicket Water mastery, which prohibits game play for new raiders. Rift Traveler is also really helpful in VG training, where new raider parties frequently fail and have to restart. There’s no need to gate Rift Traveler ability behind defeating a raid boss.

What benefit would a player gain from having early access to rift traveler if they have yet to beat a raid boss? It’s not like they’d be able to use the vendor.

You can restart the fight faster. Isn’t that good? Is it why there’s /surrender command in raid?

I added more to my post. The time saved is minimal.

Even it’s minimal, Anet still cares about it by adding /surrender or /gg command. Raid takes a significant time and effort. Every second counts!

And I don’t think we should rely on other players’ Thicket Waters mastery. How would you find that perfect composition for new raiders whom most elite raiders don’t really care about? Honestly, I’ve been searching for LFR for at least two weeks and never found any party offering that option. Could it be simpler if new raiders already have Waters mastery and are ready to join?

What you said is impractical. Have you ever noticed current LFR? They requires serious experiences, gears and tons of Legendary Insights (or kicked!). So, please be realistic.

There’s a difference to 10 seconds saved by gliding over to the starting spot (assuming you have gliding progressed enough) to having to force a wipe by dying because you have dead team members.

You literally only need at most 3 players with the mastery to do the escort. Once you progress past the cave, it is no longer needed. You can even have a Mesmer run through it and port people up.

Also be aware that you have the ability to create your only LFG ad rather than solely relying on an existing one. Want to group with other players regardless as to their level of experience? Create your own LFG. It’s not that difficult and players had this ability well before HoT when they were then complaining about the requirements some players held for dungeons.


  • What’s the point of gating raid mastery behind defeating a raid bossM
  • What’s the benefit of it?
  • How gating improve players or gameplay experience?
  • What’s the negative effect of allowing raid mastery unlocked by default?

It’s something you earn by beating a boss and the use of the masteries are solely within raids. It encourages players to play the raid even if it’s just one boss. That also happens to be one of the reasons why there are gates as it encourages players to experience content. It’s why HoT masteries require XP earned on HoT maps. Gating content like what they have done, promotes players to experience the content rather than simply rush through the story.

I know the general idea of Mastery. But you didn’t answer my questions.
Please answer each question above, plus the following:

  • Why Fractal Mastery isn’t gated by defeating a fractal boss?

(edited by REVOLVET.4807)

Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


In addition to Spirit Shard gating, locked raid mastery also prevents other raid wings training and exploration. For example, raid wing 3 requires Thicket Water mastery, which prohibits game play for new raiders. Rift Traveler is also really helpful in VG training, where new raider parties frequently fail and have to restart. There’s no need to gate Rift Traveler ability behind defeating a raid boss.

What benefit would a player gain from having early access to rift traveler if they have yet to beat a raid boss? It’s not like they’d be able to use the vendor.

You can restart the fight faster. Isn’t that good? Is it why there’s /surrender command in raid?

I added more to my post. The time saved is minimal.

Even it’s minimal, Anet still cares about it by adding /surrender or /gg command. Raid takes a significant time and effort. Every second counts!

And I don’t think we should rely on other players’ Thicket Waters mastery. How would you find that perfect composition for new raiders whom most elite raiders don’t really care about? Honestly, I’ve been searching for LFR for at least two weeks and never found any party offering that option. Could it be simpler if new raiders already have Waters mastery and are ready to join?

What you said is impractical. Have you ever noticed current LFR? They requires serious experiences, gears and tons of Legendary Insights (or kicked!). So, please be realistic.

There’s a difference to 10 seconds saved by gliding over to the starting spot (assuming you have gliding progressed enough) to having to force a wipe by dying because you have dead team members.

You literally only need at most 3 players with the mastery to do the escort. Once you progress past the cave, it is no longer needed. You can even have a Mesmer run through it and port people up.

Also be aware that you have the ability to create your only LFG ad rather than solely relying on an existing one. Want to group with other players regardless as to their level of experience? Create your own LFG. It’s not that difficult and players had this ability well before HoT when they were then complaining about the requirements some players held for dungeons.


  • What’s the point of gating raid mastery behind defeating a raid bossM
  • What’s the benefit of it?
  • How gating improve players or gameplay experience?
  • What’s the negative effect of allowing raid mastery unlocked by default?

Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


In addition to Spirit Shard gating, locked raid mastery also prevents other raid wings training and exploration. For example, raid wing 3 requires Thicket Water mastery, which prohibits game play for new raiders. Rift Traveler is also really helpful in VG training, where new raider parties frequently fail and have to restart. There’s no need to gate Rift Traveler ability behind defeating a raid boss.

What benefit would a player gain from having early access to rift traveler if they have yet to beat a raid boss? It’s not like they’d be able to use the vendor.

You can restart the fight faster. Isn’t that good? Is it why there’s /surrender command in raid?

I added more to my post. The time saved is minimal.

Even it’s minimal, Anet still cares about it by adding /surrender or /gg command. Raid takes a significant time and effort. Every second counts!

And I don’t think we should rely on other players’ Thicket Waters mastery. How would you find that perfect composition for new raiders whom most elite raiders don’t really care about? Honestly, I’ve been searching for LFR for at least two weeks and never found any party offering that option. Could it be simpler if new raiders already have Waters mastery and are ready to join?

What you said is impractical. Have you ever noticed current LFR? They requires serious experiences, gears and tons of Legendary Insights (or kicked!). So, please be realistic.


Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


In addition to Spirit Shard gating, locked raid mastery also prevents other raid wings training and exploration. For example, raid wing 3 requires Thicket Water mastery, which prohibits game play for new raiders. Rift Traveler is also really helpful in VG training, where new raider parties frequently fail and have to restart. There’s no need to gate Rift Traveler ability behind defeating a raid boss.

What benefit would a player gain from having early access to rift traveler if they have yet to beat a raid boss? It’s not like they’d be able to use the vendor.

You can restart the fight faster. Isn’t that good? Is it why there’s /surrender command in raid?

Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


In addition to Spirit Shard gating, locked raid mastery also prevents other raid wings training and exploration. For example, raid wing 3 requires Thicket Water mastery, which prohibits game play for new raiders. Rift Traveler is also really helpful in VG training, where new raider parties frequently fail and have to restart. There’s no need to gate Rift Traveler ability behind defeating a raid boss.

why do raid discriminate classes?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Discrimination sometimes forces player to select an uncomforable-to-play profession. Even a team has a good composition, it’s a silent disaster.

Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


I believe that there are many players (>95%) with HoT but can’t access to Spirit Shard bonus due to being gated by raid mastery. Is it really necessary to gate the reward behind raid content? Fractals are challenging contents in Central Tyria, and Fractal mastery line can be unlocked automatically without defeating any boss or fractals. Why doesn’t raid mastery line adopt the same approach as fractal one?

I’ve tried raid, but lack of any successs. I have to work and don’t have much time for tedious contents (but hope to get them done anytime soon.) I still have faith in GW2 that it’s a casual game and provides fair play for everyone.

Now, LFR is pretty much this:


Sinister vs. Viper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


I’m sorry that the previous simulation lacks of ‘condition expiration’. Now, I’ve fixed the code.

The result is now consistent with what have discussed so far. In the early phase, Sinister performs better than Vipers. Then, there is an even-break point, which Vipers performs better afterwards. The even-break point is about the base condition duration (a bit longer).

Now, we’ll be more confident to choose the proper gear stats for a certain situation.

I’ll give you a new code. It’s not optimized. So, it’s pretty lengthy. You can play with the parameter part (about first 10 lines).

close all; clc; clear;

%%%% Define Value %%%%

sinister_damage = 99;
vipers_damage = 88;

vipers_duration_modifier = 1.39;

condition_duration_base = 5;
condition_inverval = 1;
condition_stack = 3;

%%%% End Define Value %%%%

time = 1:90;
max_application = ceil(time(end)/condition_inverval);

stack_no = 0;
damage_tab = zeros(2,max_application);
current_damage = zeros(size(time));
damage_base = sinister_damage;
multiplier = 1.00;
condition_duration_base = condition_duration_base*multiplier;

for i = time
    if mod((i-1),condition_inverval) == 0
        stack_no = stack_no + 1;
        damage_tab(1,stack_no) = condition_duration_base;
        damage_tab(2,stack_no) = condition_stack;      
    for j = 1:max_application
        current_duration = damage_tab(1,j);
        if current_duration >= 1
            damage = damage_tab(2,j)*damage_base;
        elseif current_duration > 0
            damage = damage_tab(2,j)*damage_base*current_duration;
            damage = 0;
        current_damage(i) = current_damage(i) + damage;
        if damage_tab(1,j) >0
            damage_tab(1,j) = damage_tab(1,j) - 1;
        if damage_tab(1,j) <= 0
            damage_tab(2,j) = 0;


sinister_damage = current_damage;

stack_no = 0;
damage_tab = zeros(2,max_application);
current_damage = zeros(size(time));
damage_base = vipers_damage;
multiplier = vipers_duration_modifier;
condition_duration_base = condition_duration_base*multiplier;

for i = time
    if mod((i-1),condition_inverval) == 0
        stack_no = stack_no + 1;
        damage_tab(1,stack_no) = condition_duration_base;
        damage_tab(2,stack_no) = condition_stack;     

    for j = 1:max_application
        current_duration = damage_tab(1,j);
        if current_duration >= 1
            damage = damage_tab(2,j)*damage_base;
        elseif current_duration > 0
            damage = damage_tab(2,j)*damage_base*current_duration;
            damage = 0;
        current_damage(i) = current_damage(i) + damage;
        if damage_tab(1,j) > 0
            if damage_tab(1,j) >=1
                damage_tab(1,j) = damage_tab(1,j) - 1;
                damage_tab(1,j) = 0;
        if damage_tab(1,j) <= 0
            damage_tab(2,j) = 0;

vipers_damage = current_damage;

legend('Sinister','Vipers');title('Cumulative Damage');xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Damage');

legend('Sinister','Vipers');title('Damage per Second');xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Damage');


(edited by REVOLVET.4807)

Sinister vs. Viper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Hey! The math part seems inaccurate.

Sinister Bleed Damage x (1 + Condition Duration) = Viper Bleed Damage x (1.39 + Condition Duration).

The right part already include the condition duration increased by Viper (1 +0.39)
So, Condition Duration on the right part is redundant.

Let me correct:

Sinister Bleed Damage x (1 + Condition Duration) = Viper Bleed Damage x (1.39)
Condition Duration = 0.24

This means that Sinister requires only 24% additional condition duration to make it on-par with Vipers’. The claim 212% duration difference is inaccurate!


Here, I have made a simulation using MATLAB. If you have MATLAB, you can play around. Surprisingly, when the condition is applied repeatedly, Sinister performs much higher condition damage, both DPS and cumulative. This is a real situation when we can spam a skill that applies a condition, especially Reaper/Necromancer with Scepter 1 or Shroud 1 (Dhuumfire). Conclusion, condition stacking makes Sinister performing better than Vipers’.

MATLAB code:

close all; clc;

sinister_damage = 99;
vipers_damage = 88;

vipers_duration_modifier = 1.39;

condition_duration_base = 15;
condition_inverval = 5;
condition_stack = 1;

vipers_duration = condition_duration_base*vipers_duration_modifier;
sinister_duration = condition_duration_base;

sinister_tick = condition_stack;
vipers_tick = condition_stack;

time = 1:60;
sinister_current_damage = zeros(size(time));
vipers_current_damage = zeros(size(time));

for i = time

    if sinister_duration >=1
        sinister_current_damage(i) = sinister_tick*sinister_damage;
    elseif sinister_duration > 0
        sinister_current_damage(i) = sinister_tick*sinister_damage*sinister_duration;
        sinister_current_damage(i)= 0;

    if sinister_duration >0
        sinister_duration = sinister_duration - 1;

    if sinister_duration <=0
        if sinister_tick > 0
            sinister_tick = sinister_tick - 1;

    if mod(i,condition_inverval) == 0
        sinister_tick = sinister_tick + stack;
        sinister_duration = sinister_duration + condition_duration_base;


for i = time

    if vipers_duration >= 1
        vipers_current_damage(i) = vipers_tick*vipers_damage;
    elseif sinister_duration > 0
        vipers_current_damage(i) = vipers_tick*vipers_damage*vipers_duration;
        vipers_current_damage(i)= 0;
    if vipers_duration > 0
        vipers_duration = vipers_duration - 1;
    if vipers_duration <=0
        if vipers_tick > 0
            vipers_tick = vipers_tick - 1;
    if mod(i,condition_inverval) == 0
        vipers_tick = vipers_tick + stack;
        vipers_duration = vipers_duration + condition_duration_base;

legend('sinister','vipers');title('Cumulative Damage')



Scrapper post launch feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


The note after BWE3 mentioned that Gyro would start cooldown when summoned instead of death. Now, it seems that the cooldown starts when death. ??

Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


I stop engaging the events as I was discouraged by the bloom per hour and the exchange rate. It’s not feasible to obtain the items I want without heavy grinding and being frustrated by unknown number of bloom rewarded.

Things we know

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Current contents are not challenging at all.

First, condition damage base should be reduced, but we will gain it exponentially if condition gears are equipped. Or we basically reduce condition damage factors. Or condition damage equations become non-linear.

current linear = 0.06 * condition damage + 20
reduced non-linear = 0.000000015*(condition damage^3)+20
(see attached image)

Second, since all player stats are boosted, all bosses and enemies stats should be boosted as well. Otherwise, player stats should be reverted.

From a Necromancer’s perspective: No, just NO!

Bleed already got nerfed with this patch (the break even point is 2051 condition damage, not 700 as they “promised” before). Applying this change would make the nerf even bigger, which, for a profession that basically only applies bleed and does it very slowly, would be way too much.

As a Necromancer I suggest a buff to bleed itself (stay with linear scaling but move the break even point to the promised 700) but to take a closer look at how it is applied. If a skill can apply more than 1-3 stacks of bleeding and is not on a rather huge cool down than it should be nerfed.

Overall idea is to provide more gap between condition and power build. Condition build gains much less direct damage compared to power build, so power build should gain much less condition damage compared to condition build as well.

The equation is just an example. The idea is that full condition build should gain more condition damage compared to full power build. The even point can be adjust based on the actual maximum condition damage stat (e.g.1500-1700). Full condition build should not be affected by non-linear adjustment, while full power build will be significantly affected.

The other thing is that the number of condition stack on skills should be increased while condition damage factor (e.g. 0.06) should be reduced. This will buff condition skills, and will nerf proc-based condition.

(edited by REVOLVET.4807)

Things we know

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Second, since all player stats are boosted, all bosses and enemies stats should be boosted as well. Otherwise, player stats should be reverted.

Guardian Pre patch Full zerker + 6 points in Zeal =2313 power
Guardian Post patch Full zerker =2300 power

What about other stats?

Things we know

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Current contents are not challenging at all.

First, condition damage base should be reduced, but we will gain it exponentially if condition gears are equipped. Or we basically reduce condition damage factors. Or condition damage equations become non-linear.

current linear = 0.06 * condition damage + 20
reduced non-linear = 0.000000015*(condition damage^3)+20
(see attached image)

Second, since all player stats are boosted, all bosses and enemies stats should be boosted as well. Otherwise, player stats should be reverted.


(edited by REVOLVET.4807)

Dash/leap and condition changes [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Correct me if I’m wrong but (after patch):


  • I’m a Thief and someone’s applied crippled to me. All I need to do is heartseeker/flanking strike away LIKE CRIPPLED NEVER EXISTED ON ME?
  • I’m a Warrior and someone’s applied chilled to me. All I need to do is savage leap + whirlwind attack + rush away LIKE CHILLED NEVER EXISTED ON ME?
  • I’m an Engineer and someone’s applied chilled AND crippled to me. All I need to do is activate super speed + rocket boots LIKE CHILLED AND CRIPPLED NEVER EXISTED ON ME?

Not to mentioned the plethora of every other movement propelling skills that ignore chilled/crippled if this patch is released. Wow.

This is a joke ANet… and this is coming from someone who generally runs away if I can when things get yucky… having movement skills travel the full distance when you have conditions such as crippled and chilled on you should NOT ignore those applied conditions.

It is not fair – not to my opponent and definitely not on my behalf if I can run away even easier. It’s wrong.

CHILL AND CRIPPLE STILL EXIST. Speeding up doesn’t cleanse these conditions. We are still suffered from movement impairment and skill cooldown prolongation. These conditions last much longer than boosted speed. However, the potential of pulsing chill and cripple (if any) will be reduced to some extent.

Although we will be able to escape much faster, we will leap to an opponent or an enemy much slower. This update brings normalization of the movement speed pretty well.

Hero Points & old characters: breach of trust

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Acquiring 65 skill points is not a big issue at all. You are just required to travel only 8-10 maps to get those number of skill points. Pretty easy, right? But the Specialization may require you to do a bit more exploration. The latter one makes sense as it is a HoT implementation.

Skills & Traits Refund.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Whether you spent golds for traits or not, you already gain benefit from those traits.

And I intend to keep them.

1. You can acquire all traits for free.
2. You paid for convenience.

Skills & Traits Refund.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: REVOLVET.4807


Whether you spent golds for traits or not, you already gain benefit from those traits. Refunding doesn’t make sense.

In case of Scrolls of Knowledge and extra skill points, there should be an option to exchange the scrolls and the points for other types of token, e.g. Laurel. It’s also possible that the skill point will become a new type of currency for purchasing stuff from Miyani (Mystic Forge NPC).