Showing Posts For RUBIK.1376:

Raids Temporarily Off-line

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RUBIK.1376


If it continues breaking general PvE (which it has been a few times tonight) please stop bringing it back.

Edit: Potentially ruining the majority of the player base’s dungeon and fractal runs by having this party issue is NOT acceptable in order to open up raids for 5 minutes at a time.

(edited by RUBIK.1376)

Raids Temporarily Off-line

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RUBIK.1376


Is this why we can not form parties or talk in party chat all of a sudden?

Raids Temporarily Off-line

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RUBIK.1376


I’m really disappointed. Not only was it the one thing I actually wanted to play, it was the only new CONTENT that we were going to be able to beta test. I get that it is unfortunate that there were unintended effects of the new squad UI, but these effects should not have been able to make it thus far. Such an obvious error of not being able to see Guild Chat is embarrassingly simple to make it into even a beta weekend. I’m willing to put that aside, however, because of the shortsightedness in even putting out this raid content. You give us content to test (GREAT! [really it’s not sarcasm]) but it’s based on using new technology that you clearly knew wasn’t tested appropriately, because of such an obvious bug. There was no “back up” plan (like having two parties of 5 and one entering then asking a member of the party if they would like to join and then they can ferry in or something like that) so that the entire testing of a certain type of content is gated by the functionality of (or rather nonfunctioninality) of new QoL updates. It all appears as extremely shortsighted actions for such a large portion of the dev and user-based hype for BWE3.

Do I expect bugs in a beta? YES. Do I expect the content that was so hyped up by devs and players to be rendered inaccessible due to shortsightedness in devs? No. I’m not going to pretend that creating an alternate solution to entering raids is an easy fix/preparation on behalf of the devs, as I am incapable of imagining what that would be like. That being said, thought and care should have been put into this subject, and it simply wasn’t. I hope that this bug can be fixed soon and that raids will be open for testing again (for bugs, obviously) in the next few weeks before release.

Jungle Jubilee (October 16th 2015)

in In-game Events

Posted by: RUBIK.1376


I’ll take 66 please!

Mordrem Invasion Broken [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RUBIK.1376


As you can see in the screenshot, the event had completed 5 minutes ago and I am still sitting with my stacks of “Diessa Invasion Defender” and no bloom chest. It’s ridiculous that this is STILL an issue. Event is released – immediately bugged rewards – patch fixes the bugged rewards (so we think) – rewards not actually fixed and I’m losing the time remaining for getting these LS1 skins. I sure hope that these rewards will also be retroactively passed out to me in addition to the ones from Friday.

I think it’s because my client crashed (which has happened about 5 times since this new “bug fix patch” and hasn’t before that in months) and i joined back in before farming my stacks again.

And no I’m not talking about the daily chest not showing, I got 0 blooms for this event.


Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RUBIK.1376


At first I was hesitant about the addition of megaservers. I spoke with my friend about it and we were both a little disappointed in how the new world events system was going to work. When the patch came and I tried out the world events I was pleasantly surprised. When I did map completion, it was nice to have another person or two doing an event with me in a normally untouched area in Brisban. A few days later I joined my guild in their daily Tequatl kill and I realized why everyone in my guild was talking about how megaservers “sucked” and were considered “horrible.” It was difficult to get a significant number of our own guildmates into the same megaserver and runs became inefficient due to the number of people outside of our guild not joining our teamspeak channel. This Saturday marks the first where our guild has attempted the Triple Wurm and it was a disaster due to the same reason as Tequatl. Being forced to trade some of our more experienced guild members for random players unwilling to coordinate in the Wurm kill is unfair. I also run Wurm with TTS and since Megaservers hit, everything has only gotten more chaotic. I understand that you have added guild-triggered world events to try and fix this problem, but this accomplishes very little. There is no common ground in timing between getting enough members on to complete a Wurm kill and having enough members online during prime hours where many random players will also be filling the map.

Please reconsider the change to Megaservers as it has ruined nearly everything I and many others love about being in a large guild (and I didn’t even touch guild missions on reset night).

Dungeon Speed Clear Group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RUBIK.1376


I am looking for a group of experienced players to start a dungeon speed clear party. I spoke with my friend who has 5+ legendaries and asked him what he spent his time doing to get so much money. He told me that he has a group of dungeon runners that he runs about 10 paths a day in and he makes ~30-40 gold/day doing it. It sounds like a lot of fun to me and I want to start a group of my own with experienced players. Send me a mail or message in game if you want to start up.