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Suggestions - New Guild Halls

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raelgos.8197



So here only two choices Guild Hall is a bit light … and sad
I propose some Guild Halls of ideas that would be very nice:

-a Fortress Deldrimor, for those who do not know it’s a dwarf architecture
-a Ark Floating Kodan, with decor “ice” and “snow” that would complement a palette of opposition decor choices with the style “desert” of canion
-a Outpost Tengu, an Asian style will delight the eyes of manga fans and is quite the game-play of the game with the city Tengu next to the Lion Arch is still inaccessible ^. ^

What do you think?

And why not new Décorations ?

My ideas:
-Abbadon Statue
-Jora Ice Statue
-Eir Stegalkin Statue
-Guild Emblem Banner
-Guild Emblem Flag
-Shiverspeaks wood

(edited by Raelgos.8197)

Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raelgos.8197


A pack “staf’s skin Riding Broom” and “Riding Broom Glider to fly astride a broom

or a

“Guild’s Glider” whith emblem of our guild

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raelgos.8197


Hellow, i have more idea for Gemstores Items :

a pack “Brill Wings Glider Combo
an pack “Jormag Wings Glider Combo
an " Glowing Amethyst Mask"
The “Vabian Armors Skins” and “Elona Armors Skins
and a “Auric Armor Skin

and why not “Guild’s Outfit” who change if you have an light, inter or heavy armour
