Showing Posts For RagingPwner.1530:
I am a condition build sword/warhorn warrior and I use the Undead runes. I stack Tougness/Cond/Prec on my gear. It is pretty straight forward…
(1): +28 Condition Damage
(2): +15 Toughness
(3): +55 Condition Damage
(4): +35 Toughness
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): 5% of Toughness becomes Condition Damage
I run pretty much the same spec and run with the karma vendor equivalent of the Nightmare set and it works very well. I run all Cond/Vit/Power on the non-armor pieces and I am able to lead the charge in WvW by jumping into groups of people and causing chaos without taking much damage. DoTs are the only thing that can really hurt me and those are removed instantly. I would tell everyone out there that you definitely want to go with the Cond/Tougness/Prec armor sets.
Not sure I understand all of the people that say that the only reason you are teaming up against us is because we are in the lead. This post was started yesterday evening right when the server reset. TC was in the lead when this post was started.
People from Mag are on this forum right now posting that their commanders are telling them to ignore TC and attack EB. You cant deny that you guys are in collusion. Mag is admitting it.
This same exact thing was going on yesterday at server reset when no team had any lead. In Eternal Battlegrounds, both teams were attacking EB exclusively. There wasnt one battle going on between the 2 in the southern border.
Dont you guys think that its kind of pathetic that we have by far the least amount of the map control right now and you are still 2v1ing us? Explain to me how that makes the game fair. Just because you guys got stomped last week?
I don’t control what everyone on my server does. If I had to guess, the commanders of the TC’s alliance probably want to get a point lead on the Bay before tonight as a buffer so we aren’t losing by 5k+ in the morning. I agree that the whole server alliance bit was probably a bit premature on the part of the OP. However, I can also tell you that stealing all the orbs yesterday, getting highest score, as well as capping all of Mag’s BL last night probably put you on the top of their list as well.
Don’t complain about being double-teamed when you were the leader in points. I expect you to tell me the same thing if I start complaining that TC’s being double-teamed when we’re in the lead; working as intended.
In addition, I can tell you that most of TC doesn’t read the forums; everyone I told last night about the queue details being released had no idea that they had been released. And all I did about the topic of this post was steer our group into EB’s BL last night instead of Maguuma’s because you had the orbs and the most points and were thus, the biggest threat. Not to mention, Maguuma barely had any players on, so it would have been boring to cap things there. Not like we would’ve held onto it anyway once your zerg reached the spots we had capped. It was more wise to whittle at EB’s point gain than Mag’s, in order to reduce the lead that you all already had on us.
Ive been playing about 5 hours this morning in EB and there has not been a single battle between TC and Maguma. All of the fighting has been on our side of the map. When I look at all of the other 3 zones, the same thing is happening. There is no way that this is a coincidence. The word has obviously spread over the 2 servers and you guys are working together.
We were the 5th worst ranked WvW server coming into last week and now you guys are teaming up against us? Good job everyone.
Dont you guys think that its kind of pathetic that we have by far the least amount of the map control right now and you are still 2v1ing us? Explain to me how that makes the game fair. Just because you guys got stomped last week?
We’re not doing it to spite you. We’re doing it because depriving you of the orb is the most tactically sound option in Maguuma Borderlands.
We havent owned any 3 of the orbs in a couple hours there buddy. TC has more points than the other 2 combined and you guys still refuse to fight each other on any of the 4 maps. Say what you want but it is quite obvious what is going on.
Dont you guys think that its kind of pathetic that we have by far the least amount of the map control right now and you are still 2v1ing us? Explain to me how that makes the game fair. Just because you guys got stomped last week?