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FPS Issue with the 9/9 patch [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rahvin.5289


Well I didn’t had any issue yesterday, but today is a whole different story, I don’t know what exactly happened but my FPS lowered drastically (from 40-50fps most of the time to 5 -10fps) almost everywhere I go, doesn’t matter if its a less crowded area or not, it’s dreadful.

I also logged in today and now my FPS has dropped dramatically. Prior to this, I run the game generally without any frame lag at all, even in high population WvW situations.

Arah solo/duo for path selling.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rahvin.5289


Thanks for all the replies, appreciate it! I’ve heard from a lot of people that its pretty good profit to sell runs like this, assuming you can manage the runs quickly. Does it really take so long to sell runs that its not worth the time investment?

Also, i’d prefer to run as thief over warrior if its feasible. Whats so painful about soloing on thief? From what I’ve researched thief seems to be almost as common as warrior for soloing. Is it just that they’re so squishy?

One last question. Where is guard in terms of viability for selling runs? I know I sometimes see guards selling the runs in LFG and I know videos exist of guards soloing, but is it very slow compared to warrior/thief or something? Asking cause I rarely see guard mentioned as opposed to those two.

Arah solo/duo for path selling.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rahvin.5289


Hi, I know this is a common topic and there’s plenty of threads on it, but after searching for a while I can’t find any that really answer what I want to know.

So i’m trying to get into soloing (and maybe duoing with a close friend sometimes) Arah so that I can sell the paths and make some bank. I’m having trouble deciding on which class to use tho, and would like some help on that. I know the most obvious choice is warrior but i’d be more interested in doing the solos on a thief or guard if possible.

So what I want to know is, which classes are able to solo which paths effectively. Particularly, is guard viable for soloing anything besides p2, and can thief solo all paths, or only war? I understand that its generally possible for almost any class to solo any of the paths, but i’m trying to make money so it if takes forever to solo with a class, or requires things like watchwork portal devices, then i’m not really interested.

Appreciate any help in advance, i’m sure a lot of these answers are out there but I just can’t seem to find them, or at least not the modern, up to date answers.