Showing Posts For Raidriar.4379:

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raidriar.4379


Bring back Cantha! Only reason i was ever really a fan of the whole Guild Wars series!

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raidriar.4379


Requesting open NA server 1g to whomever answers, post with character name.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raidriar.4379


Will player’s who have already purchased the game receive this item as a promotional item in the Black Lion Gem Shop? Otherwise i see it as unfair to those who’ve already purchased the game. And for those who are not yet aware, on the main page for Guild Wars 2 a pop up advertising the game of the year purchase deal for the game including the digital deluxe add-on for free of charge ( which is understandable! ), But along with that bonus, a free “Exclusive” Wizard’ kittenwill be available with the purchase. My concern is that there has been no news what so ever as to how player’s who have purchased the game to receive this item, or whether it is intended for current player’s at all.