Showing Posts For RainbowGoblins.1578:

Put a stop to the Mighty Oouo

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


Yes, true…. I’m running into this trouble too….

I have been waiting there for days….. (each time stay for 30+ minutes or even up to an hour) and see nothing happened around here…

I didn’t see events happened “Escort the Order of Whispers team to the grawl camp” and “Put a stop to the Mighty Oouo”…????

Hope this bug could debug ASAP.

PS. this BUG-report may MERGE from “”…

(edited by RainbowGoblins.1578)

Stairs can't climb up in Bloodstone Fen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


Just look at this picture below…

I don’t get it, why anet put “stairs” here, but can’t climb up?
It’s in Bloodstone Fen.

Is it possible to let us go upstair from bottom??


see no ubound magics after doing anomaly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


As title..

There are always 6 total ubound magics each time we kill ley-line anomaly successful.
But, I didn’t see any ubound magics tonight (UTC+8) in Gendarran Fields. (just a few minutes ago)
(I’ve finished LS3 masteries.)

No more ubound magics looting from anomaly??
Or it’s bugged?

Thanks for all yours replies.

Is +3 simple infusion still useful?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


As title.

I found a +3 simple infusion in one of my character’s bag early today.
But seems it doesn’t like +5 & +7 that we can exchange them to get fractal relics.

So, any suggestions? Or just destroy it?

Thanks all.

after purchasing HOT....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


Hi, dear all….

Sorry for my bad English….

Two of my friends finished purchasing HOT last night..
(they can’t read/write English well, so I am here to help them.)

But till now, they both couldn’t buy or sell some particular items, like rare or exotic equipments.. There is a “locked icon”….

My(or their) question is: how long does it take to have full previleges to Black Lion Trading Center or others…..

Thanks for your help….

PS, My English isn’t too much better than they are.

100% World Completion and no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


If any new items were added to a certain map, I recommend Anet:
1. Post messages positively, let us know which map has been updated in advance.
2. Do not show 100% completion again.
3. If it’s bugged, then fix it asap. And if possible, tell us when it’ll be done.

Such kind of problems should not be happened, and I don’t think this is hard for Anet to do it.

PS. One of my character has finished 99.9999999% map completion, only one hero point at DryTop left to 100%, now I see this post, maybe I should wait for Anet’s reply.

Ships of the Line: Cannot Progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


can’t go on: MyStory: Ships of the line – Rescue the crew of the windfall.

My problem is the same with others above.
Can’t revive Elli, and Zott won’t follow………

Briefly, the story can’t go on…, that’s it.

I just don’t get it, why the SAME bug exists for 3-years-long?!
And they said, it’s rarely seen or the rate is very low…..
Not all players always report bugs in-game to them.

Could ArenaNet just fix this bug, ASAP…., Please!!
I don’t want to waste my time again and again and again, while I can’t continue my story which is stuck by bugs.

Story-Here,There,Everywhere, no MasteryPoint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


Thanks for all your replies.

Does that mean, no matter how many characters I’ve finished the personal story, I only can get totally 8 mastery points in an account? (from achievement-general-hero)

P.S. I thought that each character can get 1 mastery point right after finishing one chapter of personal story. If that’s true, now I know that I’m wrong. Thanks again.

Story-Here,There,Everywhere, no MasteryPoint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


To dear all,

One of my character, LV42-Asura(REV), finished his Personal Story Ch.1 (Experiments Gone Wrong) early this morning, but can’t get a mastery point.

You can see the pic below, there’s a mastery point you can get after finishing this chapter.

Is it a bug? or my Asura must reach to LV80?

PS. I’ve got 2 LV.80-characters already. (Human & Charr)

Thank you all…….


Unable to continue Charr personal story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


As the title said, I myself recorded a short paragraph of vcr of this bug. (in Black Citadel)
It stucks now, can’t go on to the next.
Bet you can find out what happened after watching the vcr below.

Here is the link “”

Hope this bug, perhaps, could be fixed ASAP.

Stuck: Charr: myStory: Sins of the Father.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RainbowGoblins.1578


Hello everyone!

I’m new in GW2. (Around 3 months.)

As the title said, I recorded a short paragraph of vcr of this bug. (in Black Citadel)
It stucks now, can’t go on to the next.
Bet you can find out what happened after watching the vcr below.
Here is the link “

Also, I saw other players had the same problems with me.
Maybe, I guess, his father has run out of the jail.

Hope this bug, perhaps, could be fixed ASAP.

P.S. My English is not that good, hope you can understand my problem. Thanks a lot.