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Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raksha.9683



Hi all! Its my 1st post here!) sorry for my bad english.
And the reason is – CAMERA in game.
I played almost all the MMO games from last years, starting from wow and finishing with Tera and SW:tor – before GW2, and every game let you make the camera distance far or close, as you wish, and as you need depending on situation.
In GW2 camera is very close to character. Actually first time i started the game at beta weekend , first thing that i didnt liked in the game – is stupidly close camera with no possibility to make the distance further. ok, the game is good and you can enjoy it even with close camera.
But later after 80lvl, i start playing spvp part of game only. And i found that its much harder to control your char becouse of camera! The angle you see dont let you understanding of the whole fight situation, you can see only few closer characters, especially in fights like 4v4 and 5v5, so its REALLY hard to choose your target which is in the middle of battle with all this fires and illusions and stealth etc.

Ok, what happend today – while waiting for my team in pvp, i was going to play dungeon – arah, and on pre last boss – lupicius or smthng like that, the camera goes much higher then in common game. Then my team came, and i just left the dungeon (we cant kill the boss for 3 tryes) , but when i get to the mists, camera was the same far as at the boss!!!! And we was playing like 2-3 free tournaments. I felt like im MUCH better controlling my character then before. You see the tactical situation, you choose targets much easyer, you fight better like this. Just like i felt in pvp fights in other games.
I understand that camers cannot be that far from character, becouse ppl can see other points staying on some positions, and its not very fair for the game concept, but if you can make it like 20-40% further, it can be enough for control, and not do much harm for tacticsl part of the game.

I think that it will help to alot of people playing the game, not only for pvp, but for pve part, and www.