Showing Posts For Ralin Ezeru Xul.5184:
Necro Raiders [NR] transferred to Ring of Fire from Aurora Glade along with our friends from [DOOM], [DoA] and [icU] just before the WvW Season 2. We took a leap of faith knowing that it will take a lot of hard work, training and compromises to bring the server into the Silver League before the season starts. We did the right thing and it was worth it.
You may ask, why did we do such a thing? Risking being stuck in Bronze League for the entire season. The answer is simple, Community. The Ring of Fire community has proven multiple times that it can rise up to a challenge. It may be relatively small but it is goal oriented and driven to FIGHT for its place in the Silver League.
Our WvW population is ever learning and adopting, it does not GIVE UP against greater numbers or more experienced enemies. We like to prove ourselves against ever stronger servers and eventually surpass them. Our Guilds dominate prime time and reset with skill and communication. But our weakness is obvious to our enemies, we need more fighters, we need people like you.
If you are like us, looking for a challenge and community with a sense of direction. Join us and we will make the world BURN, BURN in a Ring of Fire.
Necro Raiders [NR], Hardcore WvW/GvG zam??ená CZ/SK guilda p?ijme nové hrá?e do svých ?ad.
Jsme jedna z vysoce organizovaných guild s více než rok dlouhými zkušenostmi, vlastním fórem a server TS.
Hledáme lidi, kte?i stejn? jako my žiji jen pro WvW a jsou ochotni hrát i mimo naše hlavní raidy, které jsou po?adány 4x týdn?. Jedna z hlavních podmínek pro p?ijetí je ?astá ú?ast, komunikace s ostatními, možnost p?izp?sobit se týmovým build?m i vybavením a schopnost hrát i vice postav.
Pokud jste schopni splnit tyto podmínky, nebojíte se snést kritiku ostatních, chcete se rádi n??emu novému p?iu?it, když nemáte dostatek zkušeností a sdílíte guildovni smyšlení, tak neváhejte a podejte si ješt? dnes p?ihlašku na Pro více informací nás m?žete kontaktovat p?imo ve h?e pod jmény Ralin, Drivi.
Budeme se na vás t?šit!
Excellent experience for us, we still need a lot of work on our 20v20. However, this was probably the closest fight for me so far that reminded me of good old Guild Wars 1 GvGs.
Thank You [Scnd]!