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HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ralmorian.2748
Something dawned on me so I am making a correction to my previous post. Guild Wars expansions were stand alone games for full game price I think of 40 dollars. Eye of the North was the only true expansion.
Now I still think 50$ is a bit too high for what we’ve seen and I’ve been scouting opinions on both side of the fence which made me come to a certain realization. HoT is essentially the offering to the veterans. I think they might have worded the topic incorrectly in an attempt to get new players on board. Considering my former point of nothing being free this seems to make more sense to me. HoT is supposedly a higher tier area with changed skills meant to appeal to the veteran players. By that logic you’re still paying 50 for the entirety game and expansion however it’s not a shun to the veteran player base due to “Look the entire expansion is high level for you old guys,”
I think it’s a wording marketing issue. I still think 50 is a bit high for the expansion but having been with ANET for so long it does seem a bit odd that they’d shaft the veteran player base. At the end of the day the vets are still paying 50 for the expansion, the core game being free summed up in the price. I still won’t be pre purchasing but I think this might make the supporting side of this particular argument a bit more thoughtful, maybe some more good arguments as to why the price is too high in spite of the content.
Would be nice to get a thread going with people showing in a single page that they are not buying and committing to it. That way the people who are fussing about ‘losing vets and the world being better for it,’ would realize how badly this idea of ANETS is. Also I agree that the pricing is too high and I’ve stated it before, just wanted to throw my lot in and support the entire voting with your wallet thing.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ralmorian.2748
For the individuals who suggest that 50$ is fine because of the content I would like to propose like many others checking on the content provided in the expansions to Guild Wars. Then consider that Guild Wars 2 is not free to play it is buy to play for free. Guild Wars still costs money. Buying the base game of Guild Wars 2 costs a certain amount of money. If you try to buy it today you’ll find it costs money. So when the expansion comes out at 50$ WITH the expansion, what exactly are you paying for? What is the current cost of Guild Wars 2 right now at this moment? What is the over all trend of expansions with limited to superfluous amounts of content? By comparison it seems that 35 dollars might be fair for Guild Wars 2 given the age, but hell I’d even pay 40 fair and square. Wouldn’t that mean that the expansion is ten dollars? A single map, overhauls, which means FIXES that were necessary if not mandatory anyway to support the changes in the game. New implements, one new character one new map. Additions like Guild Halls (instances of course). Ten dollars seems a bit slim for that admittedly, so maybe 25? 30$?
This is what the veterans are considering I think. Now if ANET clarifies and says “There is an entire expansion of Maguuma that expands all the way toward the Fire Isles and beyond!” We’ll eat our words and many might just gladly pay the 50$, even sans the extra slot. However when the expansions were cheaper and offered much much more. This seems unusually cruel to the old players. It is not 1% of the player base actually. I’ve been an easy going player since the start, never rustled feathers, never got into online fights, or bothered people. I enjoyed my time and my fellow GW2 chums. We’re voicing a legitimate concern. If you do not feel that it’s an issue, then why jump onto a forum to defend what you feel is an honest and just deal? Do you and your ilk really enjoy the idea of handing of 50$ of your hard earned money? Wouldn’t you benefit from the choice of buying simply the expansion?
For the newer players to the family of GW2 I feel the worst. Imagine paying the current cost only to have to pay an additional cost of 50$ for HoT which includes the game you spent money on before. Nothing is free, the costs are taken into consideration in other areas. What troubles me the most is the trend that this could create if it’s not stomped out now. The next expansion will offer X and people who agree to the price will gladly play not realizing that the over all content distributed does not match the price. There is such a thing as fair and just pricing, even in the digital age. I and others do not need another digital copy. We went through the task of making sure all of our friends and family that gamed had a copy of GW2. I bought a copy for my brother, and my other brother has it, my cousin has it by what I told them of the game. Others in my friends list play because I suggested it and we’ve all had a blast. None too many of them are going to be pleased to dish out another 50$ so soon.
If the cost is fair to you then so be it. If it was 100% fair and just there wouldn’t be this kind of discussion. Telling the player base they’re wrong, complaining, whining or entitled does not diminish the issue, it’s attempting to shut others up because you don’t agree with them. I was in Guild Wars for years until Guild Wars 2, every Guild Wars expansion I purchased was on the very first day of release. Guild Wars 2 I was in the beta, slugging through terrible lag and all kinds of bugs, reporting and having a blast to be part of the game. We have a right to have our concerns taken into consideration so that individuals who have no problem paying x, y and z can have a good gaming experience. The community isn’t a hive mind, sometimes there is a division.
Can’t recall what the Guild Wars expansion prices were, but what I do remember is that they came with two new characters, an entire new map as well as two additional character slots. I don’t believe it cost 50 dollars, but I could be mistaken. Some magician who can operate the mystical Way Back Machine might be able to clarify on this. Currently however I feel the same way many of the fellow veteran players felt. Guild Wars 2 and ANET have made it painfully clear that this is not Guild Wars ‘The Sequel’. From the elite skills, to the lack of dual classing it’s become in a lot of ways another ‘open world’ mmo. However I’ve always been a tremendous fan of the art style, writing and characters. I’ve played Guild Wars since the first game through Guild Wars 2 since the Beta and I still love the game. However if the price continues on this trend of 50$ for no additional slot, one character and essentially one zone it sets a very dangerous message. Every other ‘expansion’ will be just as slim on the content for a price that will include a base copy of the game and maybe even previous expansions. 50$ for the content shown is absurd enough as it is. Adding insult to injury to appeal to new players while forsaking the old players is just salty icing on the soggy cake.
So for the individuals who scream “Don’t buy it get a better job.” I would say that having a better job is meaningless if you don’t manage your finances well and avoid throwing your money away on silly investments. 50$ for Guild Wars 2 was fair. Given everything that we’ve gotten thus far has been an amazing investment for that price. Now the loyal fan part of me wants to give over another 50$ for the expansion.
For the expansion two character slots, two additional characters, a new map that is. However that’s not the expansion that we’re seeing. The veteran players have every right to be kittened. Though they may not have the right to have their concerns addressed. We’ll simply have to see how ANET addresses it, if they do at all. There is unfortunately no way to let ANET know that you’ve uninstalled the game and are officially DONE since the game is not subscription (Thankfully I might add). However they should be keenly aware and reminded that their foundation (The veteran players) may begin to crumble away.
I can understand your point but at the end of the day it seems that the elite skills simply exist as their own entity with no synergy to the other skills. The long cool downs alone have forced myself and many a player alike to double guess their own judgment on whether they should be used at that moment or saved for a more threatening encounter. This ought not be. A tool, weapon, or shield should always be at the ready, or at the least be a gear in the machine that creates your weapon and defense (build). I do respectfully disagree with your perspective. Also you playing an elementalist seems to give you at least some use out of your elites which may influence your decision?
Once upon a time… probably about oh I don’t know? 250 years ago? Give or take? You had a series of intrepid warriors who with hundreds of skills built their tactics and combat ability around a central ‘theme’. The theme could be conceptual, or it could be based around the weapon, but in both cases or either case the Elite skill had a tendency to compliment the build, or even be the lynchpin to its over all effect.
Zoom forward 250 years into the future. A ‘better’ game? By far! I love and adore GW2 but the synergy and the flow of my build has nothing to do with my Elite in many a case simply because the Elite skills are laughably ineffective at being used in conjunction with the other skills. Tapping your 1-5 skills while kiting only to cycle through a few utilities and then if you feel up to it you shrug and pop your elite because potato?
I know this has been on the hearts and minds of many of the players. It probably won’t change which is a tragedy. The utility skills operate with the over all ‘theme’ of each individual build, offering a wealth of diversity and chances for creative play. Why then is the elite skill a glaring dispatch from that creative flow? From that sometimes necessary Nail-in-the-Coffin that can change the tide of battle.
In Guild Wars one skill never changed the tide of battle. However One Build could and one build needed to work like clock work which meant that all skills needed to operate on conjunction and used wisely. However even choosing an elite is less of a thought process and more of a “What can get me out of trouble if I absolutely need to and what has the shortest down time,” with some classes it’s a flat out “Ugh which sucks the least?”
That ought not happen in such a polished and amazing game. Many of my critics will bleat “This isn’t Guild Wars 2” with some level of legitimacy. No it is not. However it’s built upon a name and has added the very same title to a skill which is meant to perform a task and yet more often than not it remains forgotten gathering dust because I can’t see a point to turning someone into a Moa while swinging more swords at them. Offering everyone quickness? Great! There aren’t a slew of other skills that do that just fine without taking forever to recharge. Transformations? Those would be brilliant if you didn’t POSE after the transformation cycle while getting nailed in combat for up to 3 seconds.
Synergy has always played a tremendous part in the Guild Wars franchise. The Elite Skill is a glaring misstep that I hope is addressed. It’s not about power Arena Net it’s about harmony, grace and flow. Your build should feel natural, not be a trip through shoehorning in a skill that you feel obligated to put in because you’re tired of seeing the final box on your skill bar empty.
If you support the idea for an Elite overhaul please, please please make your voice and complaints, suggestions clear. Be general, be specific it doesn’t matter. This is a game we all paid for and support and I think each of us wants the best out of it. I don’t want Guild Wars back, 250 years have passed and this new age is a fine testimony to that former foundation, let’s make Guild Wars 2 a better second installment by making one of the most unique factor of the original series (An end game ability that is awesome.) a more feasible option.
As a side note all of the naysayers who think that everything is ‘just fine’ by all means comment and make your case as logically and well spoken as you can. If you can actually defend the idea that each and every elite skill serves its purpose REGARDLESS of the build it’s in then I’ll certainly heed your advice and give whatever build you suggest a try. This is of course under the assumption that the elite skills (Each one) can be utilized well in a full cycle of pve or pvp.
Thank you and good gaming.
One of the best features that compels people to continue playing Guild Wars 2 appears to be the weapon skins, armor skin and other items that are gained through events and achievements. Since Player Housing as well as the Home Instance is something that many of us believe that the developers will expand upon, I would like to suggest a player display area that can be viewed from the home instance/housing(If applicable) or even the character page (H). When people view other player’s achievement points and accomplishments, allowing them to also see the host of weaponry, skins and armors that they have would also be a great way to not only prompt interaction but to show off the collection as oppose to keeping it stowed away in the bank.
Another perk of this is sparing bank space for items that may be used frequently. Or in my case personally (as with others I’m sure) having skins that you’ve come to cherish and having nothing better to do with hard earned items other than using them or stowing them away. The Zenith display in the achievements panel is a nice start but it would be nice if other skins that have been stored and earned over time can be displayed for others to see. What is the point of earning great skins if you plan on expanding your collection and no one can see it?
Economically this can also be expanded on by purchasing ‘display cases’ or other such gimmicks into the environment, or even making crafting recipes to create your own display boards, though I imagine this would have to be incorporated into the home instance/housing department (should either expand beyond theory).
All in all the idea of having a myriad of amazing skins, whether legendary or not falls short when you’re forced to hide the glorious item in a bank or wear it. I personally love my great sword skin but wouldn’t mind swapping to a different weapon set, but hate the idea that no one will get the chance to see the item anymore. Vain? Yes! But the skins are aesthetically pleasing for a reason. They’re meant to be shown off!
For the home instance, adding a display wall I doubt would be hard. While it wouldn’t be a great way to show off (Not sure how many people invite others to their home instance just because.) It would be a start.
The best idea (outside of housing) is the Character Preview function that Guild Wars 2 currently lacks. Being able to open up another character’s doll on the fly to explore the gear and then having a tab that shows their achievements and the skins that they’ve donated to their display case.
Just an idea! I want to have all of my shinies at the ready to show off and I’m sure others don’t want to put their great event skins in the bank to get moldy just so they can show off their legendary. PLUS the ability to swap between weapons with differing stats on the fly would be a nice function and an added benefit.