Showing Posts For Rampage.6489:

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


I’ve been playing since launch, and the daily was my lead-in to doing other things. Let’s say I needed Daily Gatherer, Daily Kills, Kill Variety, and Veteran Slayer (recycler would always come when I broke down my loot). I would figure in a secondary objective (I’m gonna do my dailies in Queensdale and kill SB while I’m there) and off I went. I would be playing for an hour or two even after completing my daily. And the only thing I ever wanted from the daily was laurels.

Since this new patch, my character hasn’t taken one step. I log in, get my reward, and log out. I have no incentive to bounce around the map to do the dailies, and since I’m not interested in doing dailies, I never have motivation to go anywhere and do anything (max level, have all the ascended items and skins I want).

That one laurel was my hook into the game, and now it’s gone.

Bravo Anet. Bravo.

this exactly, it seems the adults are waking up as well now lol thank god for common sense dude!

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


sounds more like pure luck that you didnt have to travel half the map

Well, yesterday’s dailies the only hangup was Claw of Jormag – I had to wait for it to come up. Other than that? Easy. Actually, I dropped into WvW and snagged the Veteran Warg and Ruins Capture to finish off my daily while waiting on Claw to come up.

. . . So, yeah, I’m actually getting them done faster.

I get them done faster too and get 10 achievement points instead of five. I’m honestly not completely sure what the problem is.

the problem is that all you egomaniacs only think about yourself and others with 5 80s and 100% map completion sigh and then you wonder why this game is dying because of lack of new players?!

I have a lot of new people in my guild who we’ve helped do this stuff. In fact, we have several players in our guild who don’t have an 80 and yet managed to easily do the dailies every day.

It’s better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

yeah because you should really need guildies for dailies right? sigh thats so dumb…

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


I see his problem. He still has the mindset of the old daily. The new daily is no longer the old daily. There is no longer any reason to do it unless for the AP or the bonus rewards. The new dailies are no longer ‘simple’ because the associated rewards have actually IMPROVED.

the rewards perhaps, the activities havent. Wow you people must be 12 year olds lol Im done argueing with children, enjoy your morning cartoons xd

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Your ignorance is not the fault of the new system.

Thanks for proving my point, your problem is thinking this game and update is only for veterans of the game who played for over a year. That attitude is what is destroying the number (and influx) of players good job, if you keep this up there wont be a GW2 one year from now.

The reaction you’re getting is not based on you being new. It’s based on you being argumentative. I get that all the time, so I know.

A single post on this forum asking where Southsun was, or a whisper in chat would have gotten a better response. Southsun is one of the most easily reached zones in the game.

If you don’t know how to get somewhere, why wouldn’t you just ask?

once again for the kitten: you shouldnt have to google or forum or wiki for DAILIES, do you even get the concept of them??!

Its about doing some EASY TASKS by YOURSELF without OUTSIDE HELP (players or info online) for a SMALL REWARD in a SHORT TIME

These new dailies dont even fit half those terms

(edited by Rampage.6489)

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Your ignorance is not the fault of the new system.

Thanks for proving my point, your problem is thinking this game and update is only for veterans of the game who played for over a year. That attitude is what is destroying the number (and influx) of players good job, if you keep this up there wont be a GW2 one year from now.

Are you done with your daily whining quest? Here’s 10AP for you

If you had even the slightest ability to read you’d know I dont even care about AP.

I don’t understand. If you don’t care about the AP, why do you still do it? All the rewards have been moved to the login system. Doing daily now is practically for the 10 AP or the new bonus associated with the new daily system. New daily =/= old daily.

Oh look another idiot who cant read!
Il just repeat it one more time for the real slow ones: A game should be IMPROVING over time and NOT get worse. Is that really too hard to understand for you kids?

That is entirely your own opinion. I personally like the new login+daily system. It is perfect? No, there’s still improvements to be made, but I MUCH prefer it over the old one. And, you don’t have to be rude. Be civil.

Oh Im civil until people get so kittened its not even a discussion anymore but just them trying to “win” something thats not about winning or losing. People are pathetic these days sigh Im outta here good night or whatever time it is there.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


sounds more like pure luck that you didnt have to travel half the map

Well, yesterday’s dailies the only hangup was Claw of Jormag – I had to wait for it to come up. Other than that? Easy. Actually, I dropped into WvW and snagged the Veteran Warg and Ruins Capture to finish off my daily while waiting on Claw to come up.

. . . So, yeah, I’m actually getting them done faster.

I get them done faster too and get 10 achievement points instead of five. I’m honestly not completely sure what the problem is.

the problem is that all you egomaniacs only think about yourself and others with 5 80s and 100% map completion sigh and then you wonder why this game is dying because of lack of new players?!

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Your ignorance is not the fault of the new system.

Thanks for proving my point, your problem is thinking this game and update is only for veterans of the game who played for over a year. That attitude is what is destroying the number (and influx) of players good job, if you keep this up there wont be a GW2 one year from now.

Well, considering new players get a different set of dailies, and had you asked in literally any town, probably any zone anywhere in the game, someone would have told you where southsun is, and somehow you managed to wander around for hours and then blame the system, I’m gonna say that’s not a new player issue, that’s a being ignorant issue.

How does any of the nonsense you spouted make the new system any better or easier or even more diverse than the old one?

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Your ignorance is not the fault of the new system.

Thanks for proving my point, your problem is thinking this game and update is only for veterans of the game who played for over a year. That attitude is what is destroying the number (and influx) of players good job, if you keep this up there wont be a GW2 one year from now.

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


every single thread? XD Or maybe just the threads about that topic?

If you’re guessing why arenanet has to resort to multiservers and stuff like this its probably because kittens like you destroy the community scaring away (potential) new players!

And Im “getting upset” (lol really?) because a game should be improved, not made worse.

(edited by Rampage.6489)

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


if anything this topic proves dailies have NOT gotten easier lol, whoever says that from now on should just take a peek in here xd

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


oh nevermind my necro hasnt been to maguuma either. So in order to get this daily Id either have to explore half the map or make a new char character? alright kitten the dailies then

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Im currently stuck for hours since I need to go to a region I have no idea how to get to

Maguuma is the Sylvari and Asura area. You can get to it by going to either the Grove (Sylvari town) or Rata Sum (Asura town), and heading outside.

Ascalon is Char territory. You can get to it by going to the Black Citadel (Char town) and heading outside.

Well I need to get to Southsun cove or whatever and i dont even know what that place is. Can log on my 80 for maguuma but the whole point of dailies is that I should be able to do em with any character!

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


omg I just did the daily for the frozen maw and that was sick….
Cant see kitten and everybody spamming their fps…. how is that fun?

Where do I see when those bosses will be up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


omg I just did the daily for the frozen maw and that was sick….
Cant see kitten and everybody spamming their fps…. how is that fun?

edit: and thanks for the responses with links

Daily Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Im currently stuck for hours since I need to go to a region I have no idea how to get to

edit: an hour from when I first posted here I finally finished them all using 2 characters sigh and killing the boss was pure idiocy with no vision because of effects spamming + 34343 chats saying their fps is gone

(edited by Rampage.6489)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


As a person that would grind AP points daily, the new system is soooo much better. It’s so much faster and the rewards look promising. It’s odd that everyone is mentioning a lack of freedom, though in my case (the minority i would imagine) its given me so much more freedom.

Perhaps adding 1 more choice to each category would allow a bit more freedom to some. Although to be honest … all the dailies so far are ridiculously easy and can be done in like 20min.

Now can we get a remade celestial amulet and an expansion? #offtopic

I had mine done in twenty-five minutes the first day. Vista at where I parked a charr newbie in Plains of Ashford, port to Applebrook Hamlet WP in Gendarran and chop trees, do events in Silverwastes – running yak from Resolve to Red Rock and doing defenses, plus retrieving rubble. Done. That’s three.

. . . really, it’s about knowing where you can likely find things.

And it would take me longer to do five sometimes unless I was lucky enough to log in during peak time WvW to go rush things.

sounds more like pure luck that you didnt have to travel half the map

Where do I see when those bosses will be up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


This is my first MMO, it’s a little rough getting the hang of it in the beginning, a suggestion, find and join a friendly Guild it really helps to have people who are experienced in the game to get you started give you hints etc.

Well its more like a restart, I have a level 80 already but I dont like the class. Took some serious convincing (partly fighting my stubborness against bad changes and also other players saying just give it some time they might improve again) before I decided to give the game 1 more shot.

Im one of those players who can get so annoyed when a game can be so much more in potential but just stays “good enough” instead of great that I just stop playing even when Im still enjoying some parts. That made me quit WoW, wasnt a “horrible” game but the missed potential just made me so mad whenever I started playing.

Where do I see when those bosses will be up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


alright thanks so now I can start my week of truth lol, will I stick with GW2 or stop MMORPG’s all together how exciting!

suggestion easy daily fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


The way they were was perfect, you should never have to leave your current area to complete dailies!

Where do I see when those bosses will be up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


So nice of arenanet to make that uber important but leaving noobs in the dark on how to actually find that info… Is it a set time after the last kill or what?

Will we ever get something worthwhile added?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


I dont want new stuff, I want good stuff…
Quality > Quantity for me anyways

The question might seem a bit dumb and trollish but Im really on the fence if I should invest time in this game after hating my first lvl 80 I wouldnt mind restarting if the future had some improvements for this game.

As it stands new every new update just makes the game worse (in my opinion of course)
I still need to grind for inventory space etc etc so dont think Im complaining about not enough stuff to do, there is plenty but that is all old content. What I see added doesnt excite me at all.

Philosophy Shift to Less Choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


I get the rewards for just logging in now. I get 10 ap in about the same time it would take me to get 5 ap with the old system. I feel much more rewarded with it now.
I guess it just works better for me because I usually log in to just do the dailies. Not going out of my way any more than before.

thats impossible since you now have to go to specific regions you liar, how much does arenanet pay you to shill?

One of the last dailies I crafted an exotic, gathered a few times and played in a pvp match and I received 10ap. It took me hardly any time at all. With the old system it would take me nearly the same amount of time(give or take 10 mins), but I would only receive 5ap. When logging in to do just dailies, the new system feels much more rewarding.

You should read my post history if you think I’m a shill… lol
Most would probably think I’m paid to talk bad about the game if anything.

Allright Im sorry I shouldnt jump to conclusions as fast as I did, Im just really ticked off right now because of the changes.

I got this game and got a necro to 80 but dont like that class, Ive been conflicted for a long time since living story 2 came out I didnt want to do that on my necro and didnt like the areas or story.
But I first wanted to decide “do I even want to play this game” before starting a new character and then they drop this change on me which was the straw that broke the camels back for me

Im probably quitting the game before I even got seriously started (didnt even get myself extra inventory space yet) and that got me bummed out sorry again for taking it out on you.

suggestion easy daily fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


wont make it any better since half of them still wont be completable by anyone but max level players with the whole map explored

Philosophy Shift to Less Choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Tl;DR: In esscence, what I find is that those that complain always have a level of hypocricy in their arguments.

Wow what an insane level of arrogance you’ve got there kid…
When people cant even do their dailies (they should be easy to do Im not alttabbing to find where the region is I havent discovered yet) then obviously there is something wrong.

Right now only 1 out of 4 dailies is one I can do by myself without looking stuff up and that’s not how they advertised GW2, its becoming way too much like WoW; a grindfest for elitists.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


How GW2 does? I don’t know. We will need to compare it to other game to really know. But you can’t just assume that the game don’t keep its player base because about 50% of their player only play through the story and dungeon only once. That’s what most ppl do in most of their games.

MMOs, in general, don’t see rising populations over time. But it feels like, with the number of sales we’ve seen especially, ArenaNet is making a strong push to add more players. This is happening because ArenaNet has concluded that the game NEEDS MORE PLAYERS.

I’m not necessarily trying to make a point here, I’m just trying to remind everybody: the NPE, the new dailies, the log on rewards, the Living Story… the entire point of these things is to encourage players to keep the game installed and to jump in from time to time.

Making the game worse wont bring any new players in and will only scare away people who liked how the game was…

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


fully agreed I dont know what happened to arenanet, new management perhaps? But theyre really destroying this game while it had (and has) a lot of potential.

Living Story S2 and New Players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


its sucks a whole lot I can tell you, by the time most of my characters are doing that stuff the area will be barren…

Will we ever get something worthwhile added?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Im fairly new to this game (couple of months) but I got this game because I heard it was free after purchase and we would get updates on a regular basis keeping the game alive etc.

All I noticed some far are horrible storylines for living world and too much stuff for maxed out people, I know its an old game and they have to add new stuff to do for people who did everything but it should be more 50/50, 50% new stuff for maxed players and 50% new content even for people who joined a week ago.

By the time I ever get to the new stuff nobody will be playing it anymore since they’ll be in some kind of new gimmick zone for that living story (I really hated a couple of areas in the living story as well, and besides level design the writing was really weak as well)

So what I wanted to ask was: will we ever get new races / classes / areas without gimmicks / improved WvWvW / new well written story content etc etc?

Philosophy Shift to Less Choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


I agree 100% with the TC, theyre going exactly in the wrong direction…

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rampage.6489


Yeah these new dailies are horrible, why did they change a perfectly good system? :/