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Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Rampage.7124


I’m not used to post much on this forums but in this occasion I think i’d like to say my 2 cents about the server pairings on this week.

I don’t wanna flame anyone, i’m not native english speaker so, if i even happen to say something that “sounds” offensive i apologize in advice for it as i’m not meant to be offensive nor flaming.

I’ve read a couple of replies from piken square players here and screenshots and complaints about beeing “the worst server ever met”.
No offense but if this is the third week we are paired together there must be a reason, and actually during the past two weeks both the reset night as well as the whole week were pretty fair and scores were too.

This means that definitely something happened this friday that screwed something up.
I’m not saying it’s piken square fault but seriously i didn’t start playing wvw yesterday and i can at least a bit read the situation, when a server has an entire guild sized group that can be dedicated just for holding each supply camp, that means other servers have no chance of getting anything.

so, well done for piken square for being able to organize themselves in a such steaming way, but please reconsider saying gandara is the worst server ever met, because the previous 2 weeks prove you wrong.

that said, i assume that pairings are gonna change next week (hopefully) and time will tell if it was only a matter of native PS guilds effort or not.
As for myself i had a chance to notice a bunch of new tags that i never spotted earlier but the situation on a server is dynamic so, good luck for the next weeks with higher tears.

oh.. only one thing, about sportsmanship, i don’t think showing up in other servers’ teamspeak channels with nicks like “we pwned you” “for the lolz” and such, can be considered fair play.

oh.. only one thing, about sportsmanship, i don’t think showing up in other servers’ teamspeak channels with nicks like “we pwned you” “for the lolz” and such, can be considered fair regards.