Showing Posts For Rance.4570:

Ranger build Help

in Ranger

Posted by: Rance.4570


This is my current build I’m quite satisfied trait wise but open to improvements my biggest problem is gear and runes.

I was wondering if 500Healing power is worth it that’s kinda my soft cap but I don’t know if the stats are being wasted and can be best used somewhere else.
I’m torn between melandru’s and travelers leaning towards Melandru’s but I would like to get your opinions before I spend money. I also have enough laurels to get Ascended Neck/Ear ring thing. Should I just go full “glass” condi P/P/C? any help will be appreciated follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

(edited by Rance.4570)

Dec. 10th Balance Preview (Necromancer)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rance.4570


as a powermancer that finds the thought of condi to be lame

I would like to see a cleave on Dagger
Do something with our casting animations so slow
For the love of god please do something with the Golem dying in water
Fix obstructs on spectral grasp
I don’t know if it me or not but Corrupt boon for some reason makes me sad
It would be cool if DS auto removed condi’s
Fix obstruct on DS 3 or 2 I forget which off the top of my head
Remove Sig of Spite
Give my access to more reliable Fury or might or Stab follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


Looking to duel people from ONE and PINK and some other guild that felt the need to /laugh after prairie dogging a tower. follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


Why does SOR have so many Perplexity lames? follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


Why does SOR /laugh 1vX follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


Why does SOR play like punks? follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

JQ/TC/Maguuma 11/1/13 - Week 3

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


Looking for Necros to duel from TC/MAG/JQ msg : Kitchen Cabinet follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


Best regards to OCD Feardis necro you’re truly a worthy rival.
Remember as a necro it’s stomp or be stomped follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


I’ve witness t1 numbers TC just has to be the most boring match up follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


I was asking a question not whiny. If you were so good wouldn’t it be better to split into smaller groups of skilled players to attack multiple things instead of one giant blob of karma zombies?

I hate to break it to you, but we’ve been doing that all week. Smaller guild groups roam around taking smaller objectives while the commander tag herds the cats around the map. Obviously we’re going to have more “militia” than usual in the leagues, so that group is going to be MOST of the maps forces in one place. Do we have hills on SoS BL? Is there a larger zerg attacking other objectives? Chances are that WAR or NOPE is working on sieging it up and keeping supply lines open.

By smaller you mean another zerg right? follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


I was asking a question not whiny. If you were so good wouldn’t it be better to split into smaller groups of skilled players to attack multiple things instead of one giant blob of karma zombies? follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


Why is it that TC is always in a zerg? I’ve heard countless times on TC mumble about how you out skill Mag/SoS but you’re always in a zerg attacking out manned maps? follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

Necro build question

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rance.4570

Rance.4570 follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


So much class KH

thats me the necro I’ll continue to /dance on your corpse until DB either moves up or down.

Um, guyz… a friendly suggestion: You don’t want an angry Loki on the field. He will paint the full map red, slaughter your yak’s and eat all your cookies.

thats cool but that wont stop the /dance follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

Official T2 Matchup: DB|TC|FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rance.4570


So much class KH

thats me the necro I’ll continue to /dance on your corpse until DB either moves up or down. follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

PvP tips Power necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rance.4570


I mainly us it for the condition transfer. I’m a giving person so I’m sure people love having the cripple they gave me back. Whats the trick to fighting mesmers? follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

PvP tips Power necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rance.4570


Hey i was just wondering if you have any tips for fighting Mesmer, guardians and Glass cannon thieves as power d/d necro follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

Kaineng: Where do FA's and TC's roam?

in WvW

Posted by: Rance.4570


Hmm I tend to roam maps with heavy FA since I want to destroy all ssh hammer warriors so but when I want KN I go EB follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Rance.4570


So like Hammer Warrior Vs Hammer Warrior? Because that may be the longest fight ever……

Do you want to duel?

Who are you? Guild? in game name? Server?

Privictus – TC follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Rance.4570


Dear Tarnished Coast,

I am really glad that despite your efforts in getting me to consider ever moving to TC, that I decided against transferring to you guys when I was shopping around. You guys are kinda jerks. And I mean that in the sincerest way possible – I’m not even trolling. I am quite pleased with my new home on FA, and I REALLY enjoy being a part of [BT]. Even though you are extremely mean to my new friends, be it on the forums, or in whispers. I used to kind of like you in a friendly way, even though I respectfully declined joining your community, but now… now… after reading all your comments in this thread, and just witnessing what I have seen out there. Even the slightest bit of like is gone.



Thats cool thanks for informing us follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Rance.4570


So like Hammer Warrior Vs Hammer Warrior? Because that may be the longest fight ever……

Do you want to duel? follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Rance.4570


I’m looking to 1v1 Hammer warriors from Ssh follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

Your Jan/Feb expectation for necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rance.4570


All I want is Axe dmg increased and the ability to hit downed targets with wells follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

Game Crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rance.4570


Everytime I load gw2 I have to repatch everything I then get into the game and it crashes It keeps telling me to repair which I do but it keeps crashing follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro

Password Reser

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rance.4570


I cant log into my account for some reason. When I went to change the password it let me type in my account name, serial code and character name but after that it said error and wouldn’t let me go any farther. This is a friends account but the ticket number is 121130-002016. Thanks for any help. follow me on tumblr
Stomp or be stomped that is the code of the necro