Due to ET and FC constantly being outnumbered 1 to 3 by SF, a deal was struck by Krakrabbit of [KRAK] on FC and Lalunio of [TAC] on ET.
This deal entails that either side will not attack each other’s borderlands and their respective 1/3 of Eternal Battlegrounds. However we will fight each other for SF territory and Stone Mist. This does not mean we are organizing zergs to strike SF it just means we are staying out of each other’s way.
Although every guild in ET has agreed the same cannot be said about ferg, [WZ] is the only guild not willing to participate in this endeavor and so ET is free kill them on sight.
We realize that although main wvw guilds have given approval, we cannot guarantee the same from pugs. However they should not be threat anyway.
This treaty is to be effective immediately and completely by next reset.