Showing Posts For Raphael.2064:
Here’s what Anet’s goal is: getting players who are trained on classes to be independent and not reliant on other people for help to work together. Needless to say, this is contradictory to how this game teaches players to play from level 1-80 in PvE common world.
So in lieu of taking away the one crutch some people have in an attempt to get players to work together, they’ve only succeeded in kitten many of them off. So, bring back the hard res skills. Everyone deserves a second chance, and it’s only going to build teamwork if that second chance comes from a fellow player.
Furthermore, the time to res fellow players from dead is really long, and in a fight, it’s too risky for another team member to spend 30 seconds to get another one on their feet, especially when at the expense of their own life. It’s unlikely to happen, and asking players to do so and then them dying will only lead to more begrudging feelings from the player attempting to res to the one needing it, and thus creating tense feelings and working against the spirit of teamwork.
So, lower the time it takes to res a player. Not ridiculously so, but it shouldn’t take over 10 seconds to get another player on their feet from dead. That’s about the normal amount of time it takes in every other game I’ve played to get a player on their feet. If a player successfully resses another player it only builds teamwork and makes both players happy. The player ressed gets on their feet to fight again and is extremely thankful to the other to be able to contribute to the fight, and the one that ressed is thankful that they don’t have to carry on a fight down one man.
In the end, this solution makes everyone happy, creates a sense of teamwork, and helps the less skilled learn in a less severe manner than wiping. I really hope Anet takes this idea into consideration, since in the end, it succeeds in their dungeon goals of bringing players who are taught how to fight on their own together to fight together.
I understand that exp is suppose to be difficult, and I agree, players need to learn the mechanics, but there comes a point where requiring dungeons for things like monthly achievements and certain gear stat combinations means that players that aren’t as talented as others will never progress. In most dungeons it’s no longer a tactics factor, it’s simply do you have a certain class in your party. From the beginning of the mention of GW2, the main selling point was that players could play any class they like and party with anyone they like in a dungeon without fear of the content being overwhelming. Now, AC parties constantly require elementalists for their bows. I’m not complaining for my sake, since I have one of every class in the game, but more for the sake of the parties that don’t have an elementalist to go with. I know that events like the Lover’s Crypt and Hodgin’s Scepter research CAN be done without an elementalist, however, for a party of level 35s, which is what the dungeon is suppose to be scaled down to, I’ve yet to hear of a successful attempt without an ele.
For assurance, I will say, I did just complete all three paths of AC easily enough on my elementalist, but that’s only because, despite Anet’s attempts to do otherwise, my party reverted back to the holy trinity. This game is turning more and more into the same crap that WoW had, where you have to have a tanking class, a healing class, and three DPS. Gone is the days of simply running 5 DPS. The fixes that were really necessary was the mobs not going invulnerable when they couldn’t reach their targets. I can mind the waypoint fix as simply something that is just an inconvenience. For instance, in P1, Hodgin’s Scepter collection, because my party member couldn’t waypoint off the scepter, every member of the search party died attempting to get the scepter because instead of being able to just pick it up, the option to res was overriding the option to pick up. I am fine with the boss battles being unable to be zerged, since that does build skill, but the other inconveniences are annoying.
For the record, if it doesn’t change, there’s no skin off my back. I can still do the dungeons the old fashioned way like I use to. I just feel that this fix in particular and the reasons for the fix could have been approached in a better way.
The reason the feature was in the game in the first place was to make dungeons a viable option for people who weren’t elite players.
This res thing is really ridiculous. Zerging certain events was the only way to even successfully do them, like in COF. AC, the P1 boss spawns a dozen mobs, several elites that take too long to kill or require a second tank. These dungeons were suppose to be universal to all groups, but a group filled with cloth classes can’t even hope to succeed. The dungeons in this game just need a major overhaul, especially since many achievements require dungeon running. The average player should be able to perform without excessive issue and without hindering their party. They need to be able to respawn at a waypoint and run back instead of just laying there dead. There was never an issue with zerging since that was never an exploit. This is simply a gold sink and a really dumb one. Why should I have to stick my neck out because joe shmoe can’t learn to dodge. All this will do is make it where the bad players aren’t taken since they die too often and are a liability for the rest of the party. I can understand the fixing of the invulnerability glitch and making it where players can’t stand on ledges and fire down on mobs, but this ‘fix’ is only going to alienate players that lag or lack coordination.
^this. I don’t know what story you’re playing, but more often than not characters have amnesia rather than know me. Also, I really don’t understand why we’re nitpicking the blacksmiths. They show up for one story step during the pact part. And the celebration scene, if that counts. It’s not like they have any viewable effect on us, so who cares what races they are
Many of the players in this game have a little thing between their legs that they want the devs to stroke and make hard, cause it makes them feel good. People want their race represented, since feelings of racial supremacy is unavoidable when you have a game with such varied playable races. It’s nothing against the player because it’s nothing new. The first mistake the devs made in this game is having a ‘hero’ (I use this term loosely) be from one particular race instead of providing one hero for each of the races.
In all honestly, they took the game so far away from focusing on destiny’s edge that when asked who the Norn member was, I had to look it up. This game would have had a story unable to be matched by any previous MMO if they had done away with Trahearne entirely (or at least just made him a fly on the wall) and focused on your race’s destiny edge hero instead. First 10 levels should have been about learning your racial history and becoming important so that the next 10 levels were your race’s hero noticing you and learning about your hero. 20-30 should have been joining an order with your hero, 30-50 should have been rising through the ranks of your order and repairing the turmoil between all 5 members, 50-60, bringing the 3 orders together under Destiny’s Edge, and 60-80, discovering relevant information about killing Zhaitan, information like what that cannon needs to fire to hurt Zhaitan, what the dragon’s weakness is, as well as how to starve and blind it, instead of having a ship show up with weapons ready to kill the dragon, and not a freaking clue as to how or what was involved.
Think about the advertisements before the game’s release. I don’t recall ever seeing Trahearne in any of them, yet Destiny’s Edge was everywhere. I get into the game, and the only time I see any of them is once when they talk about their falling out, quite randomly I might add, and oddly close to level 30 to just be a coincidence. (anyone think that the devs might have originally planned for them to be the focus instead and got scrapped by idiotic ceos?) Then, you see them sporadically in story dungeons, but only two or three at a time, and then dead on the bow of the zhaitan slayer ship, and suddenly alive again and all happy together at fort trinity with the pale tree singing in the background. I can’t help but feel that their story would have made for so much more player enjoyment.