Showing Posts For Rar.8023:

Just advice on my Ranger build

in Ranger

Posted by: Rar.8023


I am not really good at these. However, I was gonna do a build of
Marksman 30
Nature 10
Beast mastery 30

I use a long bow and short bow and feel I am the best at these. I then use the elite skill rampage with pet. I also use traps for in case I aggro any thing.

Oh and my crafting is Leather working and huntsman.

Does this seem okay? I get that its my character, but is this gonna be effective. I don’t care for pvp, but I don’t want to have a crappy ranger.

Scavenger Hunt 2 way too hard!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rar.8023


Yes I am a low level and have had the game since it came out. I am only lvl 28 (I work and go to college) and find that can’t do the the 2nd scavenger hunt because of the ares they are located in. I am getting killed just go to Haraithi.

Any advice?
I read you gotta be lvl 60 for some areas.

I have a newbie question for the event!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rar.8023


Hey Tibby this guide helped me. Asusra gate is right next to Lion’s Arch:

Are the Acts "linked"

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rar.8023


I believe so. The book quest is linked as after you finish getting all 6 chapters they tell you that there is another volume out there.