Showing Posts For Raukin.5932:

HealthPotion International

in Guilds

Posted by: Raukin.5932


Guild [HPi] which is part of multigaming HealthPotion [HP] announces the recruitment on the server Ruins of Surmia.

We are looking for active players WvWvW and PvE at the age of +18.
Group [HP] has 9 Commanders, strong WvWvW team and Tpvp. We offer TS3 server with 512 slots, frequent events WvWvW and Tpvp. The guild was founded and is supported by a core of Polish guilds HealthPotion, with the difference that in [HPi] official language is English.

For more information, please visit or contact with the player Raukin.5932 in the game.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Raukin.5932


I’m sick of it. I got huge lag spikes… I tried every freaking thing ! Still I have lags, but only on GW 2. With new patch it become unplayable and since I’m pvp player, I can not play at all. I did everything too fix in on my side, even contact my internet provider. Guess what? It is not on my side! It’s AN who screw things up. We can post here about lag spikes, but AN do not realy care. They did not post any solutions for a long time. They are not even brave enofe to tell us, “He we do not care about you. You purches the game, and since there is no montly fee we do not care can you or can you not play the game!.” AN tell me am I wrong.?