omg pwnies \o/
Showing Posts For Raye Lestrange.1834:
omg pwnies \o/
Incident: 130203-001160
It just happened to me too… sigh =( all I wanted was a prettier sylvari. I put it under refunds, but I don’t actually want a money refund, a gem refund or replacement kit would be fine.
omg pwnies \o/
I would also love to see a quaggan plushy. I would buy 10 of each.
omg pwnies \o/
I would love to see the GW1 Perfect Salvage Kits make a return in GW2…. these things:
I sometimes find that I want to replace some runes on my armor without over writing them, and I feel like there’s no real way to do that. I would like to be able to sell runes that I’m no longer needing, or save them for an alt. Same with sigils, and all other upgrades.
Pretty, please?
I’m not sure if this has been suggested before or not, but feel free to move it if I’ve posted it in the wrong spot.
omg pwnies \o/