Showing Posts For Razgriz.1867:
Hey there, if you are trying to stay in good old Yak’s Bend, Walkers of the World is still Yak’s Bend proud. We are smaller, laid back Guild, around like 30 members, that activity run Fractals/Dungeons training others to try and get ready for raids in the not too distant future. We aren’t too worried about the hustle and bustle of large guild problems, we just simply want fun people to play with. Shoot me a message if you want to party up for fractals or anything even if you don’t want to join, it’s always good to have some extra teammates to party up with.
Hey there, Walkers of the World would love to have someone like you on board with us. We are active in PvE content like dungeons and Fractals, with raids soon to follow, but we are trying to grow into PvP as well. Anything you are trying to get better at chances are there is someone that knows a ton about it. If you are interested in joining up or even if you want a good jumping puzzle race, feel free to shoot me a message.
Who is Walkers of the World?
Walkers of the World [WTW] is a small-to-mid size, Yak’s Bend based Guild looking to expand its numbers in the new era that is Heart of Thorns. We are laid back, casual group that are active in all areas of the game, you name it and I bet someone is doing it. Everything from PvP, to working on story missions, to farming for materials, and the whole list of PvE content that is available these days. We are currently looking for everyone from new players looking for a home in the game where they can learn, to vets that want stable teams to play PvP and Fractals with daily. We have no issue with helping a player learn something new, whether it be the game as a whole or a small piece of it, after all we were all new once.
What are we currently working on?
We play all aspects of PvE, from Dungeons to Fractals, all the way to map completion and story missions. If you’re looking to farm dungeon currencies or achievement points, there is probably someone doing the same thing as you. We are currently training people in the art of Fractals to get ready for the exciting world of raids later this month, because you can never have too many people when it comes to farming raids. Although PvE isn’t our true main focus, it is where we spend most of our time currently. So if you find yourself farming the new HoT maps, or if you are still working on things in central Tyria, we are more than willing to join in, and would be glad to have you on board.
The world of PvP is fun and fast paced, but to anyone that enjoys playing it I’m sure that you’ll agree that playing with PUGs is never ideal. Though PvP is not our main focus within the guild, a good chunk of our time goes into playing PvP. We currently run weekly PvP missions, and try to train in-between those, all in an attempt to get ready for the new rank system getting ready to launch. As we continue to grow in numbers, this will become a larger focus for the guild as we hope to get better. So if this is something you are looking for as a new player trying to get started or a seasoned vet in PvP that want more stable teams, come by and run a few round with us.
Although we are based in Yak’s Bend, don’t let that stop you from wanting to join. Although there is a good handful of us that are in Yak’s Bend, our members are from all different servers so if WvW is something you want to get into casually there will be someone willing to run with you that shares your home server. At the same time if you are hoping for the hardcore WvW experience we may not be what you are hoping for in the end.
What does this mean for you?
Even as a smaller guild we have begun to build and upgrade a well-rounded guild hall, with upgrades to experience boosters, gathering, and PvP reward tracks. We run missions every week, with a focus on PvP currently but not forgetting about PvE, and we group for other activities all the time. Although we appreciate rep, we are strongly against the ‘cult mentality’ that many other guilds enforce, which would require you to rep us full time, so don’t feel pressured into us being your only home (and likewise we won’t require you to donate materials for the hall, though we appreciate it). We also don’t have any trial or testing to enter the guild, as long as you simply want to be a part of us you are welcome to join free of charge. We have a dedicated TeamSpeak server that helps us to coordinate the more complex things, such as PvP, Fractals, and soon raids. So if you are looking for a laid back group to fill in one your guild slots, come on over and give us a shot and try and have some fun with us, we’ll be waiting!
Important Info:
A majority of the members are active around 8:00pm, or 20:00, EST —> 1:00am GMT
For more info or an invite send a message to:
juicy.9174 or Razgriz.1867
If we aren’t online feel free to send us a mail and we will respond when we see it.