Showing Posts For Raziel.2730:

REALLY making it to the top

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Raziel.2730


Me and 3 guildies made it up about 2 or 3 beams higher than you are now, but we had to chain portals down and back up to restock on the jumping skills.

We couldn’t see much further to go from there, but there might be a way, I hope. Was good fun getting there!

Minionmancer hate.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Raziel.2730


A minionmancer was what I played for most of my time on GW1, but it’s nothing like that in GW2. I hoped there would be more, you could have more. Don’t like most of their looks either. But thats all based on preferences and it doesn’t really matter.

What annoys me the most is the fact that a large enemy can pretty much oneshot all of them with a single attack, afterwhich you have nothing else to do. I’d hate to imagine how fast they go down in whatever dungeon, nevermind the bosses.

They made a big change once on how minnions work in GW1 once, I hope they’ll do it again. Doesn’t need to be like how it was in GW1, but it needs to be different than this…

Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Raziel.2730


Did it in just under 2 hours.
It could be tweaked a little I guess, but I had no regrets when I finally made it.