Showing Posts For Razorburn.3520:

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razorburn.3520


Isaiah Cartwright
Guild Wars 2 Lead Designer
We do plan on adding more stat combo to existing ascended item types as well as adding more stat combos to new types.
~Izzy @-’—-

Dear ArenaNet, thank you for the reply. Let me start out by saying that i love this game, iv’e been playing since release. I have enjoyed all the extra effort and events very much. I gladly support the game through the gem store, and think, all in all your doing an amazing job.

I am however little confused, about the lack of feedback though. Could we please have a little bit more communication?
Myself, and others have been waiting since ascended gear was introduced, for the other types of stat combos to be released, and there have been many threads that received no reply to this. The missing gear makes little sense to me, certain classes have a huge advantage, by having the stat combinations they want on ascended items, well the rest of us, need to use gear that we would not otherwise choose.

I have waited, along with others patiently, for the release of these items, after it was announced that over 30 new ascended amulets would be added jan 28th patch. Was sure the new release would include the missing item types.

When i saw that no changes were made, and the stat combinations of the new amulets remained the same as the existing rings. and there wasn’t any sort of official announcement, that they were ever going to be included. and i created my beta fractal capacitator. With stats that don’t really fit with my build, (i have a cleric build) 90 gold i think it cost. There are a lot of other people that did this, and even spent another 90 gold to make the infused fractal capacitator.

Now we have this vague statement from you guys, not giving any real information about when/if this new gear ever comes out, or what types of stat combinations will be included, while i hope there will be cleric versions in the next release. It will mean that i’ll be stuck with a 4 silver piece of junk taking up bank space.

O’k sorry, long whiny rant over. To hopeful solution rant. Can you please implement either an option to salvage existing infused backpieces, for the ascended infusion part or even easier (i think) give us the option to transmute a non infused one with an existing one. Creating a new infused version of the item.

Thx, for your time,
Grave Bunny.

(edited by Razorburn.3520)

What to do with that pile of Ascended Rings..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razorburn.3520


Would love an option like this, i have about 10 rings and 14 infused ones, taking up space in my bank right now. Really hope they do something about this. This dungeon is already amazing, and something along these lines, would make it even more fun.