Showing Posts For Rcanon.8493:
Without orbs I’m sitting at 23.9k hp I believe, that’s with 5/6 pieces of power/vitality/toughness and 1/6 knight, since I’ve switched out that set and my beserker set with the aforementioned. I have 3100 armor, and with the constant FGJ/Sig. of Rage I’m sitting at 100% uptime on 8-14 stacks of might, and fury. This easily leaves my power at 26-2700 as far as I remember, putting me at around 36-3800 attack. If you have other players with you, you’ll easily stack to 4k attack, meaning you’ll slice through light-wearers like cake.
The only thing you sacrifice with the current setup I’m running, is high crit and high crit damage. I’m not convinced about how well crit chance and crit damage scale in this game, but I am convinced that power by far exceeds this.
With sig. of rage and FGJ the above does not really matter, since you’re constantly sitting at 50+% of crit chance, meaning most of your hits will be crit anyways
The shout heals should not be overlooked cause of the fact that the heals are small. Remember, running with 2 heals = 2800 hp healed (with 30 defense trait). 2800 hp every 20 seconds with 600 AoE range is pretty kitten beast. My point was, that in group v group settings, it might come to short, cause of it’s inability to heal for big amounts of hp, it can be a lifesaver though. I’d definitely recommend trying out the setup I posted further up, it’s been great and gives alot of versatility, even if you’re running around solo from time to time.
@Scourge: You’ll find power/vitality/toughness from either WvW token shops, from dungeon vendors or from karma farming in Orr (Straits, Malchor’s and Cursed). The different temples will offer you the ability to buy this type of armor for 42k karma a piece, which is pretty easy to farm
Here’s a comprehensive list of where and how to obtain it if you go the karma route (which is the fastest imo):
(edited by Rcanon.8493)
At the moment I’m running with the Power/Vitality/Toughness set, Berserker accessories and the “Superior Rune of the Ogre”. Main weapon set is axe/shield and Hammer for secondary.
The armor and runes combined with a shout heal is working great, giving the fact that HP pool is relatively high, toughness is moderate-high and your dps is complemented by the Runes + accessories. I know that the Rune of the Soldier has the shout heal condition removal, but since I’m running 0/0/30/30/10 (Discipline for the 20% recharge on signets), I have a condition remove every 20 seconds, as well as a full condition removal every 36 seconds from my signet.
It’s really not focused much around any group utility, other than the ability to switch the shout traits for banner traits instead, as well as the ability to be first-line-defense for your light-wearers. The heals are kind of miniscule compared to the dmg output this game offers, but so far this build has done me more good than any of the other’s I’ve tried so far.
“I copy pasted this from another thread, but everything is still as valid.
My opinion on Knight’s versus Power/tough/vit set, is the fact that conditions are the ones that do the most damage to me, mostly. This has been confirmed by playing both in sPvP quite alot, but also spending a very large amount of time in WvW. Conditions conditions conditions. Now, toughness will not help anything against this, but vitality will. Another thing is the direct damage output that some classes offer, e.g thieves, fully offense-specced “X” class. Combo’ing these two things will make a very versatile and very hybrid-like character, that can both withstand a large amount of damage, as well as being able to dish out a fair amount of dps.
I forgot to mention, that my hammer is power/prec/toughness which further emphasizes my choice for power/toughness focus, and my axe/shield are both power/prec/crit dmg, giving me a slight edge in crit damage from these two. Sigils I run with, are focused around the Bloodlust sigil, giving me 250 extra power after 25 kills. This has a huge impact on the damage you dish out later on, and it’s amazing, still being able to do those crazy 2.5-3k autoattack crits with your axe, even though your build is mainly focused around the vit/toughness.
(edited by Rcanon.8493)
I can see what you mean, but the Hammers main strength is still its ability to completely lock down another person for a “x” amount of seconds cause of its ability to both slow, stun and KD.
Combo it with a “X” + shield, and you have yourself a very viable weapon setup, that not only can dish out amazing DPS, but also totally turn the tides in any fight you encounter. I do not agree with a Hammer’s dps being mid-low, not at all. Merciless Hammer trait will increase your weapon’s damage a great deal under the right conditions, it’s just a matter of you, utilizing this to its fullest.
If you do think it really is that slow though, you might want to look into GS or DW since they both offer fast attacks aswell as DPS. However, for the most utility in fights, Hammer is just too beast!
At the moment I’m running with the Power/Vitality/Toughness set, Berserker accessories and the “Superior Rune of the Ogre”. Main weapon set is axe/shield and Hammer for secondary.
The armor and runes combined with a shout heal is working great, giving the fact that HP pool is relatively high, toughness is moderate-high and your dps is complemented by the Runes + accessories. I know that the Rune of the Soldier has the shout heal condition removal, but since I’m running 0/0/30/30/10 (Discipline for the 20% recharge on signets), I have a condition remove every 20 seconds, as well as a full condition removal every 36 seconds from my signet.
It’s really not focused much around any group utility, other than the ability to switch the shout traits for banner traits instead, as well as the ability to be first-line-defense for your light-wearers. The heals are kind of miniscule compared to the dmg output this game offers, but so far this build has done me more good than any of the other’s I’ve tried so far.
So, I take it that blaming other people for not knowing how to play the Warrior class is a better way of behaving, when not agreeing? Right. So this is a matter of pot calling kettle black. Good one, sir.
What I do IRL is really non of your business, and I really don’t see how it in any way relates to what I said. You’re kind of reaching out there, to come up with a consolidated and valid response. Too bad that you’re too proud of your own “intellect” to actually see what kind of babble you’re letting out, let alone the fact you could not even come up with anything better, than comparing GW2 with real life.
I’ll rest my case with you, and I hope others will to. You’re not really worth the time. Your inability to have a casual and constructive debate about the warrior class should be enough testimony to that statement, or does my life in my mom’s basement disallow me to make such assumption?
“You’re not really worth the time. " Yet you still comment on my post, lol.
“my life in my mom’s basement " dude please… please just stop… get off my thread please. Thank you!
Right, you exhibit the same exact thing, yet when done to yourself you cave and crawl under your shell. It goes to show how much substance you have got to your name. Pathetic.
I won’t retaliate any further, you can have your thread to yourself. Hopefully it’ll turn into a debate whether you are better than yourself. That would be entertaining
So, I take it that blaming other people for not knowing how to play the Warrior class is a better way of behaving, when not agreeing? Right. So this is a matter of pot calling kettle black. Good one, sir.
What I do IRL is really non of your business, and I really don’t see how it in any way relates to what I said. You’re kind of reaching out there, to come up with a consolidated and valid response. Too bad that you’re too proud of your own “intellect” to actually see what kind of babble you’re letting out, let alone the fact you could not even come up with anything better, than comparing GW2 with real life.
I’ll rest my case with you, and I hope others will to. You’re not really worth the time. Your inability to have a casual and constructive debate about the warrior class should be enough testimony to that statement, or does my life in my mom’s basement disallow me to make such assumption?
No, you guys are clearly missing the point of this post from UgaBuga.
This part: “haha arenanet fixes curse words… but yeah your a “kittenwarrior” and no im not 12. But i cba discussin this with you, if your really sticked to your hammer. I just hope you soon will figure out how to play a warrior :/.”, is the main reason why this thread was created in the first place: To bash everyone else, and tell them they’re unable to play the warrior class efficiently.
This is NOT about the viability of the warrior class or its ability to hold its own, this is about UgaBuga having the need to let everyone know, that he’s a better warrior and has more general “know-how” than the rest.
Refrain from answering to this weak attempt of a troll. Sure the Warrior’s flaws and what not can be discussed, but not with a person like this.