Showing Posts For Recursionist.7062:
They need to have uses other than just upgrading to infused.
Like converting/salvaging to fractal relics
I generally just look at a wiki gallery.
The wiki gallery works sure but the preview system exists for a reason: to mix and match armor, dyes, and weapons to your personal character’s physique and gender. The wardrobe and preview system just needs to be merged, along with the suggestions I posted above (allowing gender/race/physique change previews among other things) to create a new, shiny useful system that capitalizes on the enormous possibilities of character personalization that GW2 has.
The preview screen has always been badly lacking
Want to test different dye colors on that potential armor purchase that happens to look horrible with your current dye scheme?
Have to look up each color in the TP to preview (or keep a spare bottle on hand)Definitely interested in seeing it expanded with more robust features
Yes! Exactly! I have to do this every single time I do a preview, even with dyes that I already own because the color dye doesn’t match the way I want it to. The wardrobe system allows this, but the preview doesn’t and this is a problem that should be fixed.
I believe the current preview system is much too basic and lacking. Currently, you can preview:
-Any types of armor for your character specifically: light, medium, and heavy.
-One weapon, stowed/wielded (or weapon only)
-Dyes with limited customizations
What it doesn’t let you preview:
-Gender-fitted armor. This would allow you to look at the armor/weapons on the opposite gender since it’s clear they do not wear the same models. (Make-up kit allows you to view only your current armor/weapons on opposite gender)
-Different Physiques. Unbeknownst to some, physique actually has a very noticeable effect on how armor is worn.
-Race-fitted armor. Different races wear armor/weapons differently as well.
-Off-hand weapons.
-Specific dye slots. (like that in the Hero Dyes panel).
Currently, the only way of doing the things I listed above is to make and fit a new character. Don’t like the how the armor fits on that certain physique? You’ll have to delete the character and make a new one. Don’t like how it fits the gender? Same situation. What about race? Yup.
Anet made a revolutionary move with the Wardrobe system, supporting the fact that aesthetics takes no small part in the game. But there seems to be a discrepancy between the preview system and the wardrobe system in the hero panel. They both have the same purpose, but they both lack features that the other has.
I believe that a major update such as this would be largely beneficial to the game., and can evolve beyond the current preview system. Thoughts?
(edited by Recursionist.7062)
So why is it that some gem store logging item animations (such as frost fly, minion, etc.) have the character take a ridiculous pose at a 30 degree angle?
It looks overly dramatic and presents clipping issues when the character is closer than the maximum distance allowed for logging
This one, on the other hand, looks much, much more natural. (the animation for Mine-r-Tron). They both seem to have the same pose, but for some reason the logging animation is GREATLY exaggerated.
probably was the earth line multi attack the first attack isnt telegraphed
The earthquake in the middle that cripples you? THAT removes the achievement?
I just got it yesterday but I was standing quite a ways back, actually outside where the ring of fire for the second phase. But I also had two guildies doing it with me, who already had their achievement.
Don’t know if that will help or not.
Yes I’ve also tried this today but to no avail. (not with a party though, because nobody in my guild wants to) The sticker still got removed after the second tendril phase even though I took no noticeable damage/hit from any rocks, other than tendrils and dragon claws during divine fire phase.
It should be easy to do this. Just immediately move when you see a red circle spawn on you during dragon’s head, and dodge whenever the arena gets clustered with red circles during the tendril phase. And yet this just doesn’t work. I swear there must be something wrong with the achievement >_>
How in the world do you do this? I’ve tried this achievement over and over and for some reason the achievement sticker always, always disappears after the second burn phase, even though I’ve dodged every rock and was never noticeably hit by one, and yet I can’t get the achievement.
I once paid very, very close attention to the sticker, knew that I did not get hit by any falling rocks when the dragon’s head came out, nor did I get hit during the dragon tendrils phase. After that I stopped paying attention to the sticker. But halfway through the divine fire phase, the sticker disappeared!
Why is it that you have to restart the entire instance once you mess up an achievement on a boss fight, especially if they’re at the end? This is extremely, extremely frustrating with the unskippable cutscenes and the obnoxiously long dialogues that goes along with some instances. I have restarted No Refuge over 30 times now and I have to go through every single kitten time the dialogues and the irrelevant beginning fights of 50 centaurs just to get to the boss.
When I saw the 500 gem price for an eye mark, I literally asked myself “Seriously?”
“Novelty”…pf. ANet might as well make a bald head hairstyle and sell it on gem store for 1000 gems, and people would still rush to the gem store throwing their money at the screen reasoning “Overpriced? Ugly? No functional use? Who cares! IT’S NOVELTYYYY!!!!” It’s a reasoning any person can use to excuse an absurd price for any item, no matter how unbelievably simple, bland or uncreative, as long as it’s a limited time item. A practice that doesn’t generally sit well with most consumers.
People can use their money any way they want, but I’m personally against ANet’s preposterous listing of a eye tat valued at 500 gems. The Toxic Gauntlets and pauldrons (~400-600 gems? I forget) were a bit more reasonably valued due to special effects, but a bland eye tattoo which one has a choice among tens of other FREE tattoos that ANet provides during character creation/makeover? Come on.
I honestly hope a Anet dev reads this, and that this gets resolved soon. If the Hood of Grenth gets removed from the gem store before these glaring issues of head placement and clipping are fixed, then they’ll most likely never be fixed because they’re unlikely to be in the gem store again for a very long time, if ever, giving anet no reason to release a patch.
Hood of Grenth has quite an annoying head placement issue. The character is constantly looking to its left instead of straight ahead. This can be proven by standing next to an NPC and targetting the NPC. You expect the character’s head to look directly at the NPC, but what you find is that the character’s actually looking at the NPC’s ear…
Not sure if this is a bug or not, so just wanted to share. I’m a bit regretful I made the purchase in the gem store to find this problem. I’m sure it was for aesthetic purposes (or an unintended design) but it introduces some clipping issues with certain armor because of this. And plus it’s plain annoying to see the char. looking to the left while running
Does anybody else who bought Grenth’s Hood notice a very strange and slightly annoying tilt as the player moves? It’s like he/she’s staring at the left side
The tilt was probably added for aesthetic purposes but it looks ridiculous as the player’s running while looking to the left instead of straight ahead.
Edit: This can definitely be proven when targetting something. You expect the head to look directly at the target’s face, but you can tell he’s looking at the target’s ear instead.
And I just realized this should be in the Black Lion Trading Co forum. Oops…I’d appreciate it if the topic can be moved
(edited by Recursionist.7062)
The Grove is probably the most beautiful city in the game for me. My mouth literally hanged open for a few seconds the first time I sat foot in there, it just has this amazing sense of tranquility and calmness which is perfectly complimented by the BGM. Too bad a lot of players will never see that city unless they want map comp.
I’m actually hoping that whenever the deep sea dragon awakes, we’ll have a repeat of the Battle of Claw island but with the dragon winning in the end and sinking LA into the ocean.
I’ve visited the grove once….I was overwhelmed with particles and lag.
I tried finding my way to get to the crafting stations…ended up searching for half an hour between the multiple levels of the tree and never found it. It’s pretty, sure, but convenient? Heck no from me.
Long story short, the grove is a no-no for me. It provides plenty of lag and confusion on this multi-level tree without an influx of players
I also used to go to Hoelbrak because it was my favorite R&R place but then I realized I was wasting silver WP’ing. So then I remembered that I could go to the Heart of the Mists and go to LA from there, free of cost. (my primary reason why I got to LA for r&r now, despite the long load time)
(edited by Recursionist.7062)
That’s what I’m thinking of leaning towards. What dye color matches there iconic undead blue glows?
Deep Glacial Sky is what I think you’re looking for
Edit: I’ve never played WoW, but I’ve attached an image that (maybe?) depicts what a Death Knight is like in GW2
(edited by Recursionist.7062)
Dragonbrand is also having this problem, it’s been stuck on “striking at the heart of the dome” for days and days.
What runes are you using?
EDIT: I think this is it-
Ooooh yes that is it! Mystery solved, thanks everyone
So sometimes when I’m fighting mobs, I get a blue, howling wolf animation on my 80 guardian, same as the ones that hunters(or thieves?) have. I asked another guy in-game while farming but he didn’t know either. I’m a Norn but I don’t think that has anything to do with it since my animal is Raven. Here’s a short clip of it:
Can anyone elaborate on what this is?
It doesn’t. Only loot dropped from enemies.
They only work on creature kills, chests however have a better table then normal kills. We wanted to avoid the game play of killing a boss and then having to equip your whole Magic Find set before opening the chest.
Also magic find is calculated from when the creature is killed so it’s also not viable to use your normal gear set kill a boss then switch to magic find.
Perhaps if you’ve read the first sentence of my post, you’d have known that I already knew that, but evidently it seems that you didn’t. This thread is pertaining to magic find AFTER the update as I have mentioned in the post.
I hardly believe that one would have to go through “redesigning the system” to add the effects of magic find to box loot tables. As I’ve mentioned before, the only reason that is shown as to why MF didn’t affect boxes was MF gear, which is no longer an issue by the removal of MF gear in this update. It’s disappointing to see that devs do not reply in Players Helping Players forum.
(edited by Recursionist.7062)
Ah can any dev confirm whether or not it affects boxes?
One of the devs mentioned in a past thread about this same question that MF did not affect boxes and alike because they didn’t want players switching to full MF gear right after a fight, and so cheat the system this way.
Now, ever since the SAB update, MF is account-wide and is not available on items anymore (except infusions and perhaps others that I may not know) does MF affect boxes now?
Oh that’s delicious. Thank you
Which way is the cheapest to gain luck? salvaging ecto, fine or masterwork items?
Oh goodness, salvage ecto? I can’t even fathom the very idea!
Salvage both fine and masterwork items, it’s what I do. Once you get to 300% (which will be quite a looooooooooooooong time if you didn’t get a head-start with the invasions) you can vendor trash your fine/masterwork items if you don’t need the mats. This
The Guardian practically has permanent aegis with Virtue of Courage, so when Chocolate Omnomberry Cream says “40% magic find while under the effect of a boon,” does it apply to the Guardian’s aegis that stacks and applies every 40 seconds?