Showing Posts For Red Storm.6430:
I guess my point is this.
It is fair to argue that you don’t want to see rnd chance for skins. (more on this in a sec)
It is not fair to say that you were cheated out of your money/gold after the fact. (For example if you bought black lion keys because you wanted a Permanent Bank Access Contract [I just picked something that can’t be bought on the gem store normally] and then said you were cheated when you didn’t get it?)
As for why I think Anet uses this rnd chance system.
1) Anet needs to make money somehow -
if they sold the skins in the store (for say 800 gems as some have suggested), they would lose money (or at least they think they would lose money, otherwise they would do that). yes, people here say that “i would buy 3 skins if they were in the store, but i won’t buy rnd boxes” but for everyone of those people there are those that spend $50, $75, or even $100 trying to get just one ticket.
if they sold them for a very high cost ($50-$100 worth of gems) people would just shout “you just want our money and this isn’t fair”2) It gives a “fair” chance to “everyone” –
if content was locked behind some hard dungeon/jp/something people would complain (like they did for the halloween jp) and it shuns the casual players.
if it was only in the store some people could complain that they couldn’t afford it this month for whatever reason or that they would rather have a way to earn the skin in game and this shuns those that don’t have much disposable income.
this allows someone to have a chance for 5 minutes of play
technically it still is most in favor of those that have the most time/grinders (but that will almost always be the case)Do I think this system is perfect? No, but I can at least understand why they use it. I think this is a better system than it has been. It’s a lot easier to get these coffers than previous holiday events, and you technically don’t need to spend any real money or gold to get one (you just need to be lucky). And personally, I think I like this approach more than “big world boss has a 0.5% chance to drop a ticket, but only spawns every 2-3 hours, have fun!” or “you can only get this by rnd chance through the gem store.”
Once again this isn’t to go against the “we don’t want rnd chance in the future” or “we’d prefer to have some sort of challenge to get X item” which are both valid complaints.
you made some pretty valid points. I totally dislike the rng-approach, but I dont spend money and dont complain about not getting anything as I get how the system works.
As for selling the skins in the store and making less money….still not convinced on this as I somehow refuse to believe people are that stupid…then again, Anet has the numbers….
Also agree on this being better than lets say the fused weapons….at least you can get a “chance” much more easily. What I dont agree on is that it is better to “only” need to be lucky than to spend gold/gems or do “hard work/grind”….because I always prefer something to have a fixed amount of whatever it needs, so I can calculate it. Do I want to spend that amount, do I want to grind that much? If I actually do, then I’ll be able to get it…
IC ur point, you make a valid argument, however when someone spends hard earned cash, especially enough to buy a new game with whole new content and extended play time, then I think there should be a guarantee to get that ticket! Then to satisfy the ones who can’t afford a “RICH COFFER” can try to get the skins through one of the other sources.
Opened roughly around 175 normal coffers, and got 2 tickets, 7 mini’s and a metric ton of fireworks, along with some food and a bunch of Zhaitaffy. The system works, and is fine as is, just gotta hope you get lucky.
Just out of curiosity, if you one of the people who have opened 2000 to 3000 coffers and not gotten a ticket, would you still say the system works and is fine as is?
I’m not saying the current RNG system works fine or not, either way I knew going into what I like to call " The Willy Wonka syndrome " was gonna be more then likely against me. If I didn’t get a ticket I would be bummed out sure. I wouldn’t be cussing out the system that is in place, we all know how loot drops in this game has been an issue since November.
However it was my choice to make to spend 120 gold on 5345 coffers. Now if Anet had these skins for a straight up gem purchase of 600 – 800 gems, plus this system I think it would have been better for the community.
I totally agree! Feel a little ripped off spending $50 bucks for 50 Rich Coffers just to get candy and some fireworks!
This does it for me.
I have gathered and bought 1000 chests.
i just opened them result:
no ticket
no wings nothingI’ve bought and gathered between 1000-2000 chests now.
so far stacks of fire works 16-20 knights but nothing serious.
Is the droprate on the tickets and mini’s turned of on my account?
Cause this is no way to treat ppl that try to get the rewards from the game it totally turns me of from playing gw 2.
Agreed! Bought 4,000 Gems = $50 bucks = 50 Rich Coffers = All candy!
(edited by Red Storm.6430)
Opened roughly around 175 normal coffers, and got 2 tickets, 7 mini’s and a metric ton of fireworks, along with some food and a bunch of Zhaitaffy. The system works, and is fine as is, just gotta hope you get lucky.
Just out of curiosity, if you one of the people who have opened 2000 to 3000 coffers and not gotten a ticket, would you still say the system works and is fine as is?
I would actually. I opened them with the mentality that I would get nothing; it’s a random chance to get one of those items, not a guarantee.
If someone invests hard earned cash. Then there should be more of a guarantee! Especially if he/she is spending enough real cash to buy a whole new game!
At page 15 its unlikely this will actually be read, but i should have probably posted this here
Anet has lost this customer.
After opening 1000+ regular chests and getting nothing but 3 minis and a crap ton of candy
I went and bought 10 of the rich coffers, and I got less from the rich coffers then I would
have from 10 regular coffers, and still no ticket despite the “greater chances”in the past, ive always thrown a few dollars Anets direction buying 1 pack of chests for the event if
I enjoyed the event. Knowing exactly that there was pretty much 0 chance on a skin.
However after the advertising from Anets own page
“which offers a greater chance to receive rare items like holographic minis and the Dragon’s Jade weapon skins! “
My expectations were altered, this clearly shows false advertising, I wont support a company
who blatantly lies to is customers.
Yeah that’s why I bought 4, 000 GEMS for $50.00 and bought 50 Rich Coffers only to receive candy!
Got 2 more tickets yesterday out of 500 regular coffers. Up to 7 now. Not sure if this makes a difference or not, but the way you open them may make a difference. Try to open each one at a steady pace instead of just mass clicking a stack as fast as possible. Everytime I click as fast as possible, all it got was candy. Also if you have a stretch of just candy, stop for about 30 seconds and start again. Did that yesterday where I was getting nothing, stopped and did some inventory re-organization. Then started opening and got a ticket on the first one I opened after taking a break.
Again, it could be that I am very lucky this event to.
Where did you get 500 regular Coffers?
310 Zhaitaffy
4 to 8 of other various types of Candy
15 FireworksIt is time we stop this. I thought maybe south sun would have been a turning point. I will be on the phone with NCSoft tomorrow after work.
Not to be rude, but are you being truthful about opening 1000 boxes?
I opened 550 yesterday and got close to 1000 candy, 75 Fireworks, a Jade Weapon Ticket, and 6 Mini Risen Knights.
There’s no way you opened 1000 of them and only got 15 Fireworks and 310 Zhaitaffy.
They merged two threads, the OP actually opened some rich ones, can’t remember how mnay
I’m very disappointed with the chances of getting Dragon Weapon Skin tickets! I spent $50.00 on 4,000 gems and bought 50 Rich Coffers and didn’t get a Dragon Weapon Skin ticket, all I got was candy! I would think if I’m spending hard earned cash, enough to buy a new game, I should have gotten that ticket!
I was talking with someone in game and he got 2 in like 5 min he said. He got them so easily, he didn’t realize how rare they were, so he deleted them.
I want my Dragon Weapon Skin ticket!
(edited by Red Storm.6430)
I’m very disappointed with the chances of getting Dragon Weapon Skin tickets! I spent $50.00 on 4,000 gems and bought 50 Rich Coffers and didn’t get a Dragon Weapon Skin ticket, all I got was candy! I would think if I’m spending hard earned cash, enough to buy a new game, I should have gotten that ticket!
I was talking with someone in game and he got 2 in like 5 min he said. He got them so easily, he didn’t realize how rare they were, so he deleted them.
I want my Dragon Weapon Skin ticket!
(edited by Red Storm.6430)