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Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Redwood.5239


The way the staff is held (like a hammer) looks too aggressive in contrast to the more elegant characteristics of the Druid, and feels like my character is about to hit somebody over the head with it. Would greatly prefer it if the staff was held like an Elementalist.

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Redwood.5239


Could effects in normal non-transformed form be changed to green (staff 2 and 3), or golden-yellow (staff 1)? Use more rangery colors like green, yellow, golden, brown, not the guardian ones (white and blue).

And make seed of life look less disgusting. Currently it looks like "It’s something dangerous that’s going to explode, run away).

I second this. I know it’s a somewhat petty criticism in the grand scheme of things, but the Druid does seem to lose a bit of it’s identity to the Guardian in the way some of the skills appear. The deep-blue is fine for the Celestial form, but I would expect to see more green or sunlight yellow in the non-Celestial skills (Staff-skill 1 should totally be yellow). Also, I agree that Seed of Life does look like it could be a bit confusing to players.

I’m loving the Druid so far, but personally I think the whole space/blue/celestial theme should stay local to the new mechanic, and everything else should have more of an earthy/green feel. Just my thoughts.