Showing Posts For Reichi.5380:
I posted the first set on Reddit until I found this thread, wanted to leave this candy corn version here. I think I came out of that vision with my limbs attached the wrong way.
It didn’t look blue to me, it’s near some oozes and further in past the ‘Help Shining Blade Kimber defeat Kol Skullsmasher’ event if that helps pinpoint the location?
I’ll hang around the area later and see if anything interesting happens though thanks.
I have been exploring the general area and mining in Hidden Ourobon when I noticed a trail leading to a not quite opaque wall. It reminded me of one of the puzzles with a similar entrance (with the chest and moa feed). As far as I can see between the gaps of the wall there are Vile Beasts behind it.
Though I wouldn’t see any hints to any puzzles in the cave. Am I missing something here?