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Perma Swift Engi Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Reinzshlek.6541


… You don’t need any traits or any build to have perma-Swiftness as an engineer. Medkit Drop Stimulant for 10s Swiftness every 20, and elixir B for an additional 10.

That’s without Elixir H and Toss B, too. Speedy Kits is a waste of a major, imo.

Medkit is really only good for dungeons and certain situations elixir h is better for solo but this depends on the build also

First, stacking those 2 elixirs is a waste of utility in sPvP. Using the one trait frees up your utilities for something more useful to your play style. If elixirs is your playstyle, then disregard the previous.

Second, the medkit is very useful in sPvP and tPvP especially if you are guarding a point. You can have up to six bandages, 2 antidotes and 2 stimulants dropped and ready for use when someone comes to your point. Having those dropped and ready to go can be a fight changing advantage. +6k health, a double stack of swift and fury and condition removal at the start of a fight. very useful. Also, the tool belt heal has the same CD as the turret and even less if you have points put into the tools trait line. 30 pts in tools = 4 1/2 sec cd reduction on the med kit tool belt heal.

This POV is coming for a pvp stand point. Whatever it is that you do, keep in mind that the Engi is a very complex class, one of the top two in regards to the learning curve so to each his own in regards to play style :-).

Engineer-Power Wheels
Warrior- Bazinga Brute
“It’s just a game, play it your way and have fun :-) "

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Reinzshlek.6541


You’ve got to love the Mistwalker!!!


Engineer-Power Wheels
Warrior- Bazinga Brute
“It’s just a game, play it your way and have fun :-) "

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Reinzshlek.6541


Seems pretty balanced to me.
Looks like the build Teldo labelled as “Glass cannon” on his stream:

Basically a power rifle build (there’s a good post about that build in this thread) with 10 more points in the toughness line.
People usually take a stun breaker (like the Goggles – comes with a short cooldown tool belt skill) or good old Elixir C.

The only thing I could suggest is trying the 0/30/0/10/30 road and get a stun breaker. 10/20/0/10/30 is also OK (you can take the explosion radius increase – works on Mine Field) but if you’ve found your comfort there don’t change anything :P

Only thing I don’t like about rifle builds is the lack of ranged AOE (problem in WvW – glass cannons without AOE aren’t that useful there). Rifle 4 and 5 are close range skills, blunderbuss sucks IMO so you’re left with the piercing auto-attack which requires some intense positioning to maximize.

Anyway the more I try new builds the more I think Engineers aren’t supposed to be glass cannons. There’s too much stuff that makes a balanced engineer possibly a better value. Like the 10% healing -> power minor trait in inventions, the 5% toughness -> power also in inventions (basically a free +70-100 power along with the +100 toughness) and all the close range stuff we got (not to mention Juggernaut).

Thank you for your input on this.

I don’t have a stun breaker because the utilities I use allow for max control. This is the reason I have the Protection Injection trait along with the earth runes on my armor. I can survive burst 90% of the time and have a 3 sec block on a 16 sec cd which is also very helpful.

I started out using the teldoo GC build and slowly tweaked it to something I can call my own. It is definitely something I am comfortable with. I used the goggles for awhile but them switched to the mine because the mine filed allows me to catch stealthy types before they can attack me while guarding a point. It’s not 100% but it is very useful. That and the fact that the static discharge trait activates when you drop the mine field and when you blow it up and they are on a short cd.

I like the damage with my Engi because I can control it. This whole build is set up to maximize control and damage while not being a GC. I can play very defensively if I need to, I can be a high, steady damage dealer or I can just use my many CC capabilities and lock a target down while it or another is bursted down. I agree with engis not being a Burst spec 100%. hat is why I built mine the way I did.

With the rifle, I don’t WvW at all, it’s sPvP or tPvP and the rifle is very handy there seeing how there are many melee profs being rolled right now. I can not only push people away with it but I can keep them away or get right in their face if I need to. I have tried a more bunker type build, but it doesn’t fit my playstyle so I never really got into it.

Again, ty for your feedback. It is very much appreciated :-)

Engineer-Power Wheels
Warrior- Bazinga Brute
“It’s just a game, play it your way and have fun :-) "

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Reinzshlek.6541


A breakdown of the skills:
The Firearms traits are obvious seeing how I use the rifle.
With Alchemy, I went with Invigorating speed and that is coupled with Speedy Kits in the Tools trait line. This every 5 secs that I equikittent, I gain 5 secs of swiftness and 5 secs of vigor. Seeing how the Tool Kit is a vital part of my gameplay, I keep those boons up almost indefinitely. Now the Protection Injection trait is also vital to my play style. With no stun breakers, that 3 secs of protection is a life saver when a 100 Derps warrior stuns or knocks you down in order to pop frenzy and 100 Blades. Even when I D/D BS thief stun you with Bask venom, This trait triggers and cuts that damage down my 33%. Even while stunned you can still switch to the tool kit and the time the Protection wears off, so has that stun or KD and BAM!!!!! Out comes the gear shield.

The tools trait is your bread and butter. “Static Discharge” is where most of your burst will come from. "Speedy Kits is a great partner for Invigorating speed as mentioned earlier and Power Wrench says it all.

Now for my Gear.

Amulet/Jewel: Berserker’s Amulet/ Knights Jewel. The amulet is for the obvious power/precision and crit damage, the Knights Jewel is to keep that crit chance up there while making your HP pool a little big to survive those burstys that are going to be gunning for you.

My runes are Superios Rune of Earth x 7. 7 runes because you need one in your breather for underwater fights seeing how that takes place of your helm. I use earth to increase that protection given by the “Protection Injection” trait as well as giving you a 5% chance to gain protection when hit and giving you a Magnetic Aura when below 20% Health which is nice when you are trying to put some distance between yourself and the fight to heal up and you have that one ranged class trying to finish you off from a distance. It also gives you a little more Toughness.

I created this build in order to fill a roaming/ Bursty type slot while also giving myself survivability and control. I am built to control a situation to the best of my abilities while also burning people down at a pretty hefty rate. I am not the typical glass canon build but it has proven effective and helpful on so many occasions.

I am very comfortable with this build but I know it’s not perfect. Any suggestions would be nice and comments would be even better. This is my first time posting so be gentle please :-).

Engineer-Power Wheels
Warrior- Bazinga Brute
“It’s just a game, play it your way and have fun :-) "

(edited by Reinzshlek.6541)

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Reinzshlek.6541


Tool Kit: This kit is a requirement, hands down, for any dps Engi( IMHO). A 3 second block with “Gear Shield”, a pull “Magnet” to grab those pesky perching individuals who are literally “raining” on your parade or to pull bunkers off the node and "Box of Nails " which is nice to throw down when kiting or mid fight just to slow people down, Who could ask for more? It is, by far, one of the best kits available.

Tool Belt skill Throw Wrench: First off, 15 1/2 cd coupled with the static discharge trait, very useful. Secondly, it hit everyone going out and coming back to you and with a high crit chance you can watch the big numbers pop up. Thirdly, With the “Power Wrench” trait it not only reduces the cds of your “Tool Kit” skills, it also adds a cripple to throw wrench.

Personal Battering Ram: Very useful when a melee type is trying to bash your head in or an alternative to getting enemies off a downed friendly.

Tool Belt Skill Launch Personal Battering Ram: 19 1/4sec cd, not bad, but it hits everyone in that line in front of you while crippling them on top of activation the Static Discharge trait. Very useful.

Elite Skill Supply Crate: Everyone knows what this does. I use it mainly for big fights as support and usually drop it on a group of people trying to burn one friendly.

Now for the traits.
I use 0/20/0/20/30

Firearms: I go with Hair Trigger for the reduced Rifle CD and Rifle Mod for the increased rifle damage.

Alchemy: I use Invigorating Speed and Protection Injection.

Tools: I use the obvious and previously mentioned, Static Discharge. I also go with Speedy Kits and Power Wrench.

Engineer-Power Wheels
Warrior- Bazinga Brute
“It’s just a game, play it your way and have fun :-) "

(edited by Reinzshlek.6541)

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Reinzshlek.6541


With this build, I centered it around Decent burst damage coupled with control. I refuse to do the typical cookie cutter build so I have tried to make this as original as possible.

So here is a link to the build:;ToAg0Coo2xsjYH7Oudk7Mo4QB

Now I will start with my weapon and utilities first.
Rifle: Great cc capabilities. Net Shot coupled with Overcharged Shot, very useful for getting people off your tail and keeping them away. Blunderbuss is a nice burst/bleed.
I added the Sigil of Superior Air for the extra burst.

In the heal slot I use the Med kit. This is because I prefer have my tool belt heal with this seeing how it’s on a 15 1/2 sec cd. The Med kit itself is used to apply swiftness/vigor through traits and the 4 skill is useful with removing a quick condition mid fight. The 1-3 skills are useful right before or right after a fight for the extra 3k health when you pick all 3 up. I will also use the 5 skill right before or during a fight for the fury it gives which is helpful when focusing a target.

Throw Mine: This skill has been a life saver for both myself and party members. It may have a small trigger radius, but when you are kiting someone or trying to keep a group of enemies from bursting yourself or a friendly player, throwing this is the middle of the mix can change things quite a bit. I also use this when enemies are trying to rez one of their own or trying to stomp one of mine.

Tool Belt skill Mine Field: This is nice when helping protect a node before a fight or during a big fight. Dropping these and standing in the middle while sitting on a node is amazing. Only because if a thief is trying to creep up on you he/she will set one or more of these off. I do this all the time and it works. It allows me to throw my Tool Kit on and pop the shield to prevent the burst that is about to be dropped on my head. The biggest perk to this is not only the short cd but the double discharge from the trait “Static Discharge”. Since you have to activate the TB skill twice, once to throw them out and again to blow them up, the trait triggers twice.

Engineer-Power Wheels
Warrior- Bazinga Brute
“It’s just a game, play it your way and have fun :-) "

(edited by Reinzshlek.6541)