Showing Posts For Relax.8430:

Ip Addresses for the Servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relax.8430


Cheers buddy. At work at the moment, will check when I get home.

Ip Addresses for the Servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relax.8430


Anyone know where I can find the IP Addresses for the both the American and the European servers?


Let the Rich get Richer, an Unfair Advantage

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Relax.8430


Isn’t this common sense? Especially in the real world?

No in the real world its insider trading and its illegal. Just because you’ve built up a large bank of gold doesn’t give you the right to make greater profits on knowledge that you receive ahead of time.

Lol, insider trading. Quit throwing around terms like you know what they mean. Announcements are announcements whether they’re Anet’s game-related information or some motorbike company’s latest creation.

Anet released this information to the public; an announcement. Companies do this all the time and it effects the value of their stock. It’s how the world works. You can whinge all you want but you can’t change anything.

Sink added for common items!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Relax.8430


I never thought I’d say this, but watching the market move and trying to predict trends and acting on it is actually quite fun. XD

Money making is an addiction

Let the Rich get Richer, an Unfair Advantage

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Relax.8430


It’s all early speculation purchase. In the trade, if you don’t act fast, you don’t win. Players either take the plunge and buy early or they miss out completely.

Let the Rich get Richer, an Unfair Advantage

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Relax.8430


If you’re going to relate the gw2 economy like the real life stock market, these announcements are things that are very real and can not be avoided.

Take Microsoft for example. You should all be familiar with this. Microsoft announces they do not support used games and all the other jazz, stock price goes down.

In the same way, ANet announce they’re adding a new sink for kittenty crafting mats, prices go up.

It’s how the economy works. If you want a stable, never-changing economy, you will have to play a game that never updates or changes.

Let's destroy Weapon Skins

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Relax.8430


Tell others to nuke the supply so you can sell yours for a better price? Good try,

The Most Basic Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relax.8430


Thanks for the suggestions guys!

I recall being able to transmute certain pieces of equipment onto others and that would make them invisible because they wouldn’t work on certain characters. Is this still possible?

The Most Basic Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relax.8430


Yeah I’m lookin to run around with only pants and an anchor. Goin for that pirate look but I’m a guardian so I wear heavy.

The Most Basic Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relax.8430


Hey guys,

I know there are some pretty nice looking gear in this game. What I’d like to look for now is the most basic looking gear. I’m talking boring kitten non-threatening looking gear.

Also, is there a way to make an armor naked?

Norn male tattoos

in Norn

Posted by: Relax.8430


Well, that’s just, your opinion man.

A few of the tattoos could pass off as Maori or Samoan work from a far. I personally like some of the tattoos and have the ink similar to it.

personal story in daily achvmt !! not right

in Personal Story

Posted by: Relax.8430


Agreed. 15charasdfs