Showing Posts For Reldin.5631:

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reldin.5631


Definitely signed for this. I drive myself crazy with making alts because they have to look JUST RIGHT. Would absolutely love for an in-game barber for very minor changes such as hair color and style but a cash shop item for facial/body type changes would be fine.

However…I’d love to see race change items as well and as someone pointed out in an earlier post, after you finish your race storyline there’s no real impact on the story for later stages in the game. I mean, heck. It’d be fine with me if they made a race change item but had restrictions like: “You must be level 80 and have finished all of your personal story in order to use this item.”

But if we can’t get any race change stuff, why not class changes? It’d be nice to work around that at least so I can change my Male Sylvari Guardian into something else because I can’t stand him even though he’s level 80. Sure, that’d mean you would have to work on getting brand new gear if you went from heavy armor to light armor, but if you want to be happy with your character, that wouldn’t be much of an issue, right?