Showing Posts For Renakh.1746:

Reset Timers for Skill Challenges

in Suggestions

Posted by: Renakh.1746


While ideally, all skill challenges would never break…Things happen. I’d like to see Skill Challenges get some kind of reset timer after being up for an extended period of time. After the allotted amount of time, the event would be canceled and could then be reactivated by players.

Thank You

Orrian Spectral Guards glitched skill points on The Cursed Shore

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Renakh.1746


This is also effecting Eredon Terrance.

I wish they would just put timers one these events. So that if an event is “active” for longer then say 10? 20? minuets then the event gets canceled and can be restarted. As long as the timer is high enough to make it completable then these things would fix themselves (ideally) when they do break.