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Elite Specializations are a Waste of Time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Renim.6921


Really wish I could get a refund for all the money I spent on this garbage.

1.) Dragon Hunter is not worth the 400 Hero Point investment. I don’t know how others feel, but the 400 Hero Points for an alternative style of play is quite frankly a complete and utter waste of my time. If ANet decides to carry on with this terrible decision, then once I decide to do the Hero Challenges, I’ll simply horde them so I can spend the points on something I’ll actually enjoy.

2.) Let me understand this: you want us to complete everything in the game to get our Elite spec so we can… sit around in Lion’s Arch? By the time me and any of the other people have our Elite Specs we will have completed ALL of the content of HoT, leaving us to do nothing but play repeat content in the game.

3.) Making us earn hero points to unlock our specializations is not content, it’s a barrier. It doesn’t make me want to play the game, it simply makes me want to horde the Hero Points for the next Elite Specialization. When I pick up most other MMO’s, when I choose mage I get to play as a mage. I don’t have to roll a Rogue in order to play a Mage.

4.) Don’t try to tell me that there is no leveling, when there totally is. Don’t try to sell me the whole “But your level isn’t going up!” BS because it’s insulting. Instead of your actual XP bar going up, your XP is replaced by Hero points. In order to gain these hero points you gotta do the challenges in HoT. The only difference is that certain things give you this type of “XP” instead of everything. Honestly, I would have rather had the level grind and the gear grind back rather than this embarrassment.