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GW2 "endgame" model is fine. Execution doesn't make sense tho, problem and solution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resilience.8501


1- About me

First off, let me introduce myself, I’m on my late 20s, I have a full time (and more) job, I have a personal relationship and I don’t neglect sports or my family.

Why the hell am I saying this?
Because it limits my playing time. A lot.

I know this because I was once single, didn’t do outside activities, was unemployed/student and didn’t care for family much. And that simply leaves a lot more time to gaming. (I miss that a bit sometimes :)

Which well, can change by a large margin your gaming experience.
Less time = Can’t spend much time grinding or farming otherwise there’s no time for the “fun” stuff. You burn yourself out.
If the game requires grinding or farming, it becomes a dull choir to people with little time..

Yet, with all those “impairments” I dedicate a huge ammount of time to GW2, hours a day even. And I must say I quite love this game.

2 – Endgame

I’ve played WoW on my more-than-free-time life and I was never into Raiding, even having the time, I just find it boring. So I’m quite glad that this is not the endgame model of GW2.

I like the idea that the endgame of GW2 is just.. playing this beautiful world, doing events, dungeons, because, well, it’s all really fun.

But the execution is poor.

2a) Making farming more difficult is not getting rid of it

ArenaNet several times took action that clearly intended farming to make farming more difficult, this doesn’t solve the problem, it simply puts the bar higher. Meaning the collective inteligence of the community will not stop farming. It will simply make the threshold to keep economically relevant (because of the global TP) higher. People will spend X + Y time farming or getting arround farming impairments, instead of X. People who only have X -1 time to give to farming and/or playing will be sub-par and will be irrelevant economically having trouble to enjoy several parts of the game.

This logic can be applied to Dungeons Tokens, Rare Drops, Farm Diminishg Returns… anything.

It is a bit effective on stopping inflation because you ostricize a part of the playerbase from the economy. You deal with the sympthom not the disease.

2b) The Downlevel System is not being well-used.

You got people farming DE in Orr. Why? Because it is fast, it’s efficient.
And also, it’s quite dull after 20 minutes.

Orr is a tiny, tiny map, with only one flavour: Undeadness.

I can’t believe ArenaNet came to conclusion that the best game drops for 80s would be concentrated on such a little area while GW2 is a huge and beautiful world.

Day before yesterday: I got my level 80 and went to explore Metrica Province with my lowbie friends (I want 100% completition and I enjoy playing the game all over)
We played for about 4 hours together, it was a blast.
DEs, Hearts, Jumping Puzzle
We were on mumble, we had fun.

I netted: 10 silver.

Yesterday I played 40 minutes in Orr. Waypointed there, it costed me 3+s (well, 7s netted the night before if you think about this WP cost).

I did about 5 DE, gathered, killed mobs. In 40 minutes I was bored out of my mind and quit the game

I netted: 1,5g (thanks to a rare salvage that dropped 3 ectos, unusual, but still…)

I am not fully exotic yet and I wanna be, and the only way to do it efficiently would be farm in Orr for days/couple of weeks or in the rest of the world for months.

I have not the will in me to farm in Orr for more than 2 hours on 2 days, I’m sorry, it’s really, really dull.
Yet, lingering my progress because I’m being “punished” by playing the other (much-more-fun) parts of the game makes me cringe.