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Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Rethen.5869


9/10 — Achaius is a really cool name, and you get props for a good Celtic name. You’d get 10 if I could pronounce the last name. XD

My Sylvari ranger is simply named Cyrunon.

Pet aggro issues

in Ranger

Posted by: Rethen.5869


I’ve been noticing this a lot lately… For some reason, my pet has the hardest time holding aggro on mobs. :/

Used to be, I could start attacking something, and then my pet would run in and pick up the mob once it got into melee. But lately, it’s gotten to the point where I’ve had to start sending my pet in before it attacks… but that STILL doesn’t seem to help.

I can sit there and let my pet attack all I want, but it seems that as soon as I activate its special ability, the mobs will go straight to me — EVEN IF I HAVEN’T TOUCHED THEM. Hell, I’ve sat and watched my pet wail on something for a good 5-10 seconds, but then I’ll hit F2 and it’ll automatically drop all aggro. And THEN, even if I stop attack (or don’t even start) and let my pet keep attacking, I’ll still end up having to kite like crazy.

I’m not sure what it is, but from what I can tell, it looks like actually activating my pets’ skills tells the mobs “Hey, I’m over here, please come eat my face!” Even using the regular F1 “attack” command seems to draw aggro to me! And once it’s lost aggro, I’ve not once been able to get my pet to REGAIN aggro. This was not always the case, but it’s been happening now for at least a week or two. I haven’t died because of it yet, but it’s very tough to work with.

What role(s) does the ranger play in WvWvW?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rethen.5869


I use axe/warhorn and shortbow when I’m running around out in the world, and when I’m defending or attacking a tower I swap the shortbow out for a longbow for the extra range and mass AOE — and with LB’s focus on straight damage rather than conditions they’re great for taking out walls, gates, and siege, which are immune to conditions.