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Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revan.7032


This thread is insanely long so there’s no way I’ll be able to get all the way through. That said I’m just putting my thoughts here, and I apologize if its a repeat.

  • Dying after Victory: I have had a few incidents where I’ve died of lingering effects after taking out the enemies at hand and have the whole fall-over, fight for life thing going on even though I no longer had enemies to try to struggle with. Essentially its just a prolonged death and I’d prefer to either die right off the back or alter the struggle to attempt to save.
  • WwW Commanders: While I think its cool that they’ve gotten such a rank I would really appreciate it if they didn’t show up on my map. At all. When I’m exploring new cities and such its really annoying to have these blazing icons all over the place and pulling on the map corners, etc. I don’t mind the icon above their head in general character display, but I think slapping them onto the map is going a bit too far. If they must remain on the map some sort of explanation on the map list of ‘things of notice’ would be nice, as I had no idea what they were for a while.
  • Necromancy: My favorite class for far. I’m having a blast! I like the various effects, however the Axe and Horn set is my favorite thus far, but they lack the glamorous of other weapons and other classes. It would be nice if the actual appearance of the dagger could change while leveling, different shades and colors at the very least would be nice but actually designs, which other weapons do, would be great. After 40 lefts of waving a Axe around its rather sad that it has a lot of power, but it looks exactly the same as the default axe I started with when I created it.
  • Worthwhile Crafting: Thus far it seems that the crafting skills are really just helpful for leveling, but the materials that can be made really aren’t worth the effort. Also in order to progress with it at all it exceeds what I would consider to be a tolerable amount of farming. I spent several hours, after having done so a few times prior, in the hopes that I’d finally farmed enough basic cloth of all things only to find out that it didn’t go very far at all. While I love the game in general, I fail to see how such effort in crafting is worth it thus far.
  • Leveling with friends with different races: While this is likely asking too much, I personally wish I could make a character to level with my friend but lack the ability to join with them until we’ve gotten to a higher level. The concept of being a Ambassador for your race and sent to level up in another starting zone could be rather fun.
  • Looking for Group list: This is one of the big parts of the game that is confusing me. It seems to me that the only way to try to get into a dungeon is to market in the general chat list, which happens a lot anyway, but it would be quite nice if there was a program to assist in properly display thing of ‘oh look, this list of players say that they’re all looking for -this- specific dungeon’ rather than having to hunt them all down. As a result to this, actually, I’ve yet to have the fun of getting into a dungeon. I actually have brain damage so my speed-reading no longer exists and the codes used for the various classes and locations that I’m not familiar with, etc, make it essentially impossible for me to know whats being said, much less keep up with it all.
  • Audio hiccups: On my Asura female necro, I’ve had the weirdest voice changes through the game. For a while I thought I was close to another necromancer in battle, but when it finally happened in a cut-scene (she got a creepy weird deep voice) I finally gave up and made the report. Its actually come out as male as well, and I’ve started to make a point to look around to see if there are other necromancers nearby casting only to see the field empty. Again, I’ve already filed it but I’m interested in knowing if this has happened to anyone else or if I’m just in a special world of ‘oh she’s definitely going insane’.

Defeat Utcua Skill Challenge Cannot be Completed [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Revan.7032


I’ve been through that area several times over the last few days as well and this issue remains.