Showing Posts For Rez Delnava.1378:

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rez Delnava.1378

Rez Delnava.1378

I just lost 28 gold ore and the listing fee when I tried to sell on the trading post.

It took the coin and items from my inventory, then posted a ‘Cannot Sell Item’ error.

Character: Zeltanna
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Time: around 8:55PM Server Time

Edit: Fixed itself after about an hour of waiting.

(edited by Rez Delnava.1378)

Can we get a collectibles tab for RARE crafting materials? What about dungeon tokens?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rez Delnava.1378

Rez Delnava.1378

I would love for more collections tabs.

Tonics and boosters for sure.

In fact, make the tonics and boosters tabs accessible from anywhere, anytime. It would contribute to spontaneous parties and get people to use them more—more use = more more purchased from gem store. (Another thought on tonics, make them able to be given to other players, but keep them restricted from being sold on the BLTP.)

I wouldn’t mind having intermediate crafting materials and rare crafting materials having collections tabs either, but because they are not strictly necessary, make them purchasable for a small gem fee (about 200-300 gems sounds fine).

Suggestions on the player UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rez Delnava.1378

Rez Delnava.1378

My one slight UI suggestion would be to add the count of explorer achievables to the mini map; i.e. display the (current/max) number of Point of interest, skill challenges, vistas, and waypoints on the mini-map UI.

It bugs me to no end having to open up the full map every time i want to check my exploration progress—and in some computer configurations it probably takes time time to load that map too.

Launcher/patching bandwidth control

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rez Delnava.1378

Rez Delnava.1378

Is there anyway (or any way to get such a feature added) to control how much bandwidth the launcher uses?

I live in a multi-user, single internet connection household with established QoS rules that usually evenly divides the bandwidth; however, the GW2 launcher seems to flaunt them and somehow manages to take an upwards of 95% of the entire bandwidth for the household.

Normally I’d be ecstatic to have a consistent way to disrupt my brother’s bad CoD habit, but the nagging and complaints have become incessant from more than just that one.

The odd part is that the game itself plays very nicely with the QoS rules, it just seems to be the launcher. I just need a way to throttle or cap the bandwidth used by the launcher.

Any ideas?