Showing Posts For Rhino Nuts.6208:

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhino Nuts.6208

Rhino Nuts.6208


anyone checking on this? i dont see the update here.

Case 1: He was online for a short while to gain the gold achievement that he has already voice out to support, “130107-000823”, support agreed. But he still got banned.

Case2: He was having exams , so he didnt log on for multiple days, just one. perhaps his account got compromised.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhino Nuts.6208

Rhino Nuts.6208


it was said to be replied but my friend cant see the reply. anyway he didnt play the game because of exam and boom! he was banned. accused of gold selling. He did transfer some gold but that was just between him and me. no one else.