Showing Posts For Rhone.2649:

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rhone.2649


My apologies about the all caps title. I should have known better. Lesson learned.

Also wanted to say that I wish the event could have lasted longer. At least another weekend. Those of us with precious little time to play end up missing out due to life and busy schedules.

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rhone.2649


This thread is for collecting feedback on your experiences with the Halloween event. Feel free to post what you like/dislike about the event. Please keep it clean and constructive.

I, for one, greatly enjoyed the event but I initially found it very confusing. I had no idea where to go, what to do, or what kind of rewards were available to me. Now, some google searching and wiki reading eventually pointed me in the right direction, but I think Anet could do a much better job of informing the player within the game.

I also think that the seasonal/event exotics should be split into two groups: those you can craft, and those you can only obtain through event drops.

All in all, great job Anet! This has been the best seasonal content I have ever experienced in an MMO. Keep up the good work!

Longbow/Greatsword dungeon build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhone.2649


I’m looking for a sort of “jack of all trades” dungeon build, mostly centered around dps with the longbow and greatsword. Right now I run a very tanky shout-heal build, but I don’t feel like I contribute that much and I’m growing weary of mace/shield and rifle.

I LOVE the longbow, and I figure greatsword would be a good non-condition damage option for inanimate objects like burrows, turrets, etc. I don’t want to end up a glass cannon, though.

Any suggestions?

Devona's Rest: Looking for Dungeon-only guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Rhone.2649


I enjoy running dungeons, but my current guild hardly ever runs them. Any other guilds on Devona’s Rest server that run them regularly?

Questions about Dungeon Master title...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rhone.2649


If you join a PUG that is already half way through a path, and complete it with them, does that completion count towards your Dungeon Master title?

What if you do the first half with one PUG, and then the last half with another, does that count?

Does skipping mobs/bosses affect your completion towards the title?

Dungeons are for lvl 80 Parties only ^^

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rhone.2649


So far I’ve been kicked twice from pugs because they wanted “lvl 70 or above, sorry”. I’m currently lvl 59 and I play an extremely tanky/support warrior build. About 60% of my leveling has come from running dungeons non-stop. In most of the pugs I get into, I find out I’m the most experienced one in the dungeon. So yes, unfortunately this problem does exist. And it sucks.

On the other hand, last night due to a weird glitch, two of the people in my CM explorable pug got booted out of the dungeon and couldn’t get back in. The remaining necro, ranger, and myself ended up 3-manning the last half of the Asura path, including Frost. It was difficult, but we did it.

And none of us were lvl 70 or above :)