Showing Posts For Rhys Kitikion.3724:

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rhys Kitikion.3724

Rhys Kitikion.3724

Ever considered the fact that ANet might have more european players than american and that´s why it´s in the evening in europe and afternoon in USA? You didnt think this was only an american game right? And if they have more european than american players then yes they are thinking about who is paying their bills.

Despite that they may be thinking of those who are paying their bills (which um.. since its a buy one play forever thing anyways..). There is a flaw in their thinking.

Instead of doing the event say.. at the same time.. EVERYWHERE in the world..

They have a time they do it on the European servers when there are the most people online for Europeans…. so.. 18:00-19:00 GMT/UTC ish..

Then they have a time to do it on the “American” servers when there are the most people online in that region… so.. 02:00-03:00 GMT/UTC ish..

The only thing this still doesn’t solve is the issue where the people in the Oceanic region still get screwed, since say like Australia’s prime time is roughly 11:00-12:00 GMT/UTC (Please correct me if I am wrong on my time zone stuff). The only way to solve that is to give them their own servers, which I may think might never happen :/